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I often have my units rotate a certain direction at the end of a movement but on ocassion have noticed the units do not rotate the way you asked them to once they finish moving. I am talking about units who have not been spotted or under any direct threat. I realize units will turn to face a threat which is understandeable, but to turn and face a different direction under no threat from what you asked them to do is strange.

Maybe there is another explanation I am not aware of yet.

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Hi RW,

I just had the same experience in a PBEM game. One tank proceeded past the spot he had been ordered to then started to rotate in place until his front end (& cannon) was embedded in a building, and his back end pointed at the enemy position. He got nailed of course.

In the same move a halftrack was told to 'reverse' with a slight turn, so as to face the enemy. He did & then started rotating until, ostrich like, he was smack up against,and pointing at a building ( with friendly troops inside).

At this rate I will lose all my armor.

I wonder what causes this? the impingement of threats ? or a bug?

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Regarding Tobruk's question: you mention both times your vehicles behaved this way against a building. Is it possible the vehicles were too close? I have noticed when plotting paths too close to obstacles they cannot normally traverse that the vehicles will replot to get around them. Maybe this is what is happening.

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Hi Fionn;

Hell yes, there were threats everywhere. smile.gif That's what they were being directed at. But the threats were some distance away, and were not in the buildings at which they finally pointed. Now, one possible explantation (for the tank behavior) is that I used the 'hunt' command (to order the tank a very short distance), and at the end of the move he had aquired a target. But the target was on the other side of the map, and the tank was turning AWAY from that target. But I'll be careful with that cmd from now on. Any observations?

And Ron;

Yes, I've seen that too. If you go over, or too close to, bad ground (debris, trees, mud) the tank will start rotating apparently in an attempt to free itself. But that wasn't happening here; good ground and open road. So ???

Thanks for your response guys. Any other ideas? smile.gif

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Actually the tank might have been turning towards the threat but was killed before it had turned enough to point at whatever it wanted to point at. Possible?

Also, don't forget that it may just have been too close to a building.. I bet you that if it had lived another minute you would have seen it's move finish and make sense...

In any case, even if it was a bug, which I don't think, the AI has been redone since then so odds are it won't happen anymore.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Thanks Fionn;

I guess I should assume that all bugs are fixed in the final version. But I am nagged by uncertainty; does some event in the play represent my misunderstanding of the commands, or a unique behavior of the tanks, or an oddity of PBEM (ie; can files pick up bugs in their back & forth transmission.), or ultimately some bug in the program ?

For example, in the same game I have been discussing, another tank was ordered forward between buildings with the hunt cmd. It rolled into view of a broadside Hellcat, and sat there without firing. The hellcat had time to turn, load AP (it had been firing at troops, HE I assume), and bow my tank away.

'Selecting' my tank later showed that it had acquired a target 7oom behind it(??). It had not been facing that direction originally so I don't know how he picked it up. Also the targeting line was in WHITE. What does that mean?

I wonder if I am using the hunt cmd incorrectly or what. Oh. well, this is part of the learning curve, and I'm enjoying it. Thanks for listening and I appreciate any opinions you might have.

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Guest Big Time Software

Tobruk, as for your last question, two things are biting you on the butt. The first is a poor targeting choice by the TacAI. This has been extensively addressed since the demo so it should happen very infrequently in the final version. The second problem is the spotting penalty that is assigned to that vehicle based on various factors. Combine the two and you have a bigger problem as the TacAI purposefully gets "focused" on its current target and this can add further delays to finding new targets.

I'm not saying stuff like this will NEVER happen in the final, but there is still a slight chance of lots of oddball circumstances coming together to make an undesirable outcome like this happen.


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Thanks Steve.

Now I know you have MUCH more important things to do than worrying about my problems, so GO DO THEM ! smile.gifsmile.gif

Meanwhile: going to 'search.' hmmm. Spotting Penalty ???

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