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How hard would this be to do

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Let's say you have a battle with three King Tigers.The program finds and uses bmps 3030-3039 for all three.Would it be difficult to write a patch that told the game to also apply any bmps that had the 3030-3039 base.For example, if you took a second KT mod and renamed the bmps 3030-01,3031-01,3032-01 and so on,this alternate set would then be used for one of the KTs.And if for the third KT you wanted to use the default set but with a turret that had different unit markings you would just add the extension to the turret bmp (3032-2).Or it could made to access the alternates randomly.Whichever way is easiest.

Obviously, you'd be able to add extensions to any of the bitmaps.

So is this something that would be relatively easy to do in a patch or would it require some major work on the game engine?

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Multiple camo schemes for vehicles has been suggested quite a lot. It would require some engine tweaking, so it will not happen in CM1, but Krazydog has promised to pester Charles to include it in CM2, so there is reason to hope.


You mean my Java coded Real Time Bar Fight Simulator Madmatt Mission: Beyond BiteMe ISN'T going to be published?!?


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Guest KwazyDog

Another problem with what you mentioned saru is that it would require more and more VRAM for the more textures you added.

We are upping a little what we consider the base system for CM2 so we will have more room to play with here, as Vanir suggested, that I am going to chat to Charles about (Hehe, I dont pester Charles, I leave that to Matt wink.gif). Multiple camo schemes *may* be a little too much for our requirements (we havnt looked into it yet), but I do have other ideas that will hopefully make each vehicle more unique with only a small overhead in VRAM usage and extra polygons...

Once we get more into it guys we will be able to let you know more of how things are going to go smile.gif


[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 12-29-2000).]

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