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Falling Mortar Shells

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This game never ceases to be amazing. During a PBEM, I was plotting moves for my Lynx at the bottom of a steep hill that my 81 mortar had been bombarding. I panned up and noticed actual shell pixels descending on the cowering Amis above. I didn't realize CM modelled this, assuming that merely that algorithms determined the detonation point which just 'appeared' during shelling.

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Well, not only that, I had a dead, eliminated team in a wheat field. When my opponents heavy arty hit, these dead bodies would bounce into the air and hit again.

Pretty cool. I wonder if BTS needs to put a violence rating on the game now. biggrin.gif



God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!

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Yeah, it is cool. I also noticed what I believe were modelled air bursts. Next time you get infantry in a close battle take a good look, you should see grenades being thrown at each side.



"Quando omni flunkus moritati"

- Motto of Possum Lodge

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Seems like everything is modeled. As to the Mortars, go to level 3-4 aboove and a bot behind your mortars and you will see the shells on the way up. The coolest one I saw was in view 3 directly over an enemy Hellcat and saw the mortar round come down right onto the Hellcat.

Grenades, potato mashers all go flying. Check out the flight difference between say the Inf gun vs the 75mm AT. The 105's have an arc to their flight vs the more straight line tank rounds......it truly is amazing

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I noticed this a while ago but thought I'd put a word in myself. I set up an easy QB just to mess with the beta release. I had a Sherman V shoot at few Germen jeeps. I watched from behind the jeep a ground level, saw the Sherman fire and watched the shell come in, hit the jeep, the jeep blow up and the poor driver end up on the ground. Very nifty indeed.


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