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Gotta Love them wild weird things that happen!!!

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Folks, I sit here goofing off at work laughing out loud about some of the crazy things that happen in this awesome game,,,the one about the jeep driver getting killed and the HQ section sitting in the back like nothing happened while the jeep was out of control was pretty good!

My question, or CM crazed idea is: Does anyone have all of these incidents squirreled away?

If this is worthwhile let me know and maybe it will get me off my ass to make a CM Oddities page.

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Speaking of weird things...I witnessed a clash between a lunatic driver and a clueless AT team:

Last night, I ordered a 'schreck team to move about 5m from hiding behind a barn to take out a halftrack. I should also point out that this was the last turn, so the HT in question had just made a psychotic last-ditch charge into the town that I was holding in an effort to capture a flag (fanatic driver?). It was quite hillarious watching him slam through the streets at max speed, MG shooting everything in sight - right out of the Dirty Dozen! ANyway, my schreck team moved as ordered - then promptly turned their back on the halftrack and were summarily MG'ed to death. Maybe they were trying to moon the HT! It looked so stupid (and funny) that I had to replay it 3 times...

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I was playing a game last night in which I had a sniper who I had ordered to sneak through an area and target a MG. When the movie came up I noticed that he started sneaking ... then stopped ... and turned back and walked to his foxhole. I was furious, and immediately Tabbed to him and pulled up the "1" view ... only to see this old white haired Volksturm (sp?) guy with a rifle trudging away from the fight with a "F*** this" expression on his face. I couldn't help laughing.


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