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Small arms ricochets?

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Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Is it possible for infantry small arms fire to ricochet?

I had a split SS panzer Escort squad take out a greyhound and when the crew bailed out my team started shotting at it. The crew took one casualty and fled without returning fire, but when my team fired upon the crew i heard the sound of bullets hitting the vehicle (wich the crew was on the opposite side of, so i just assumed it counted as me hitting the "cover", ie the vehicle) and then i noticed that i lost one member of the team. No other enemy units were anywere nearby (took them 6 turns to show up) and none of my other units were firing on anything. Having designed the scenario myself i know that there were no other enemy units nearby. so could it be that the burst that my team fired on the crew behind the burning greyhound wreck somehow ricocheted back and took out one of my guys? confused.gif

If so i would like to say that this game will never ever leave my cd-drive again.

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The sound you heard was the crew taking fire. One of the wav files does sound like small arms hitting armor, but I think it is just ricocheting off the ground or something. It was probably a poor choice of sound to use for this effect. If you listen to the files in the wav directory you will probably see that the sound you heard is grouped with the other sounds of infantry taking small arms fire.


Ow, my leg!

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well thats all very nice pvt. ryan, but it doesnt explain my casualty now does it?

and yes i am fully aware of the fact that the sound that i heard could be generated by the small arms fire hitting the ground or whatever, but it might as well have been the vehicle... I just mentioned the vehicle since it fitted in better. The crew were in a wood so it might have been the trees that i hit but i still hit something other than the crew (they recieved no casualties by the burst that made that sound, they got it from the burst before that).

so i still want to know... can small arms fire ricochet???

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Sorry, Oddball, I didn't read your question closely enough. Maybe small arms fire can ricochet. Maybe what you witnessed was a desertion, or maybe the unterofficier shot one of his men for failing to obey an order. Maybe it is an X File. The possibilities in this game are endless.

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