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Won't YOU be my neighbor???

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I've spent the last seven days waiting for it to arrive. I don't need a HUG, I need a straight jacket.

It will come, sooner or later. Just wish it was a lot sooner than the now obvious later.

But actually, I'm pouted out. I'm in a state of numb acceptance, realizing I was not one of the fortunate MAJORITY which have already received CM. But hey, someone has to have the honor of being last, even if that honor is not deserved.

So I'll hug my fellow "last to get the pre-order" group. But when that CM arrives, don't even think about getting in my way. Mr. Rogers (or is that Rodgers?) will have my shoe print on his face if he is standing in front of the door, because I'll be out of here.

[This message has been edited by kump (edited 06-25-2000).]

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