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Sudden Strike

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Yeah, well I downloaded the demo and could not get it to go past the install initiation screen. Bit of a waste of time.

I have also looked at their forum - it is just a joke. When you see a forum like that you appreciate good moderators (if thats what Matt and the like are called).

By the sound of it...it looks like it could be fun if you take it for what it is - a bit like C&C.

Sorry, have not been much help. Would be interested to see who has played it and whats it like.



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Sudden Strike *is* a WWII strategy game, but that's where it ends. It's just another rehash of Command & Conquer in which the units use "hit-points" instead of real characteristics like armor. Yeah sure the tanks may be able to take several more hits than infantry, but all you have to do is to pound a tank with infantry fire until it dies.

Infantry in CM can shoot their whole load at a King Tiger and never kill it. Minus the occasional "sticky bomb". tongue.gifwink.gif But in Sudden Strike a King Tiger would only last a few seconds under direct fire from infantry. Pretty stupid, if you ask me. I downkloaded and played the demo slightly before CM came out and played it once and deleted it. mainly because it was so unrealistic. Sure, the developer calls it a game, but sheesh! Gimme a break!


--"We want information."



--"Who are you?"

--"The new Number 2."

--"Who is Number 1?"

--"You are Number 6."

--"I am not a number, I am a free man!"


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Not having played it, but Maximus I believe that you are slightly inaccurate. To wit, infantry weapons to not damage tanks and you can pound on them all day without taking away any (hit points), however, the AT guns will do just that. A hit takes away a certain number of points, which means that eventually, a 20mm gun will destroy a King Tiger, not based on a lucky shot, but just how many times it gets hit.

It's not for me, but still just want the discussion to be accurate.


Walter R. Strapps

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I got a free copy from CDV for hosting a little banner ad on my website.

Unfortunately, they sent me the manual in German, so I haven't been able to decipher it as of yet....

Besdies, just got Steel Beasts and Space Empires IV. Should keep me going a while, in addition to all the CM PBEM games.



The difference between infantrymen and cavalrymen is that cavalrymen get to die faster, for we ride into battle!

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I'm afraid I have to agree with Sharpie. I bought it on its release date here in the UK on the basis that it was a historical real-time strategy game. I figured it would be like CC but, well, larger and a bit more dynamic.

Unfortunately, its neither. Its redeeming features are its graphics, with some AFVs rendered beautifully. The maps are appealing too. But they are employed in ridiculous ahistorical scenarios which neither reward 'realistic' tactical thinking or historical gameplay. Its a real point and click-fest with the emphasis of slogging it out to the 'last man, last bullet'.

Add to this the fact that some of the nicer qualities, like arieal recon. or paratrooper, can be used in utterly ridiculous ways, e.g. dropping paras in cities or as a distraction to the AI whilst you achieve the 'objective', and your left feeling a little short changed.

There's no redeeming resource management either since reinforcements just 'turn up'. Occasionallly, you are not equiped with forces appropriate for the task you are briefed for until half way throught a game.

CC5 looks better and, for all its faults, and at least the series does force the player into tactical decisions based on an immersive environment.

Shame on SS. And the Germans are normally so efficient.

Cheerio - AlfiE

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