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Graphite DV iMac Rocks

Guest tom w

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Guest tom w

I know at least one lucky guy out there is running CM on a Graphite Special Edition iMac.

I just tested out on one of the Graphite iMacs we have here in the Mac computer labs, and let me assure you CM ROCKS on these things!

Straight out of the box Mac OS 9.0.4

No problems at all, none, Full beautiful smoke and transparency 800x600 on a 14 inch built in monitor

If you want the most idiot proof solution to run this game VERY fast and VERY pretty go buy yourself a Special Edition DV Graphite iMac, they were build with Digital Video in mind and these things are screaming fast. (400 mHz I think)

I was Blown away, the laptop I use is a 333 mHz G3 and it is nice and "sort" of fast and all, but the computation speed on the blue bar during the 3 and 4 moves of CE (I played the Yanks and boosted the Krouts to +150%) and a heavy 5 on 5 tank battle ensued, the Graphite iMac crunched those turns with blinding speed.

(I gave as good as I got and nailed all his and lost all but one of mine in the 4th turn in head to head tank battle)

I can't play on this Graphite iMac all the time but envy those who can!

This was just a brief review of the Graphite iMac's ability to run CM at a very fast speed.

Thanks Apple!

And Thanks again Charles, Steve and BTS!

-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

G. S. Patton <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tom w:

I know at least one lucky guy out there is running CM on a Graphite Special Edition iMac.


That would be me (big, smug grin, not only b/c we won our footy match today...)

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I can't play on this Graphite iMac all the time but envy those who can!


Stop envying me and get yourself one!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Thanks Apple!

And Thanks again Charles, Steve and BTS!


Yep, I would like to concur in both of that, although more thanks to Steve and Charles than to the other Steve.

After running the beta and the Gold on this machine, all I can say is that it is lightning fast, graphics are great, although you notice a slight hit if lots of smoke/burning is involved, there are only 50 viruses for Macs, vs. 50,000 for Windoze and I would heartily recommend the Graphite iMac to everybody looking at buying a new machine. It is good value for money and looks cool.

Oh my, one day I will become a poet and write 'An ode to my iMac' right after I write 'Ode to a small lump of gypsum I found in my arm-pit after waking up'...

Sorry if you are a Winwhatever user, but you had it coming when you opened the thread.

(No smilies in honour of Mr.Peng, one of those who got the joke)



Edited for typos and inability to comprehend UBB code - d'uh.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 05-11-2000).]

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