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I witnessed a couple of funny things during my last game of CM. First was clearly

a graphic bug. A MG-section that occupied an upper level of a house moved to an adjacent foxhole, but... it did so simply just moving horizontally and was levitating in the air above the foxhole and the game insisted that it indeed was in the foxhole! No anti-grav belts were invented during 40's. Second funny occurence was when a US squad entered a minefield. I was laying low wanting to open fire at close range and there was the sound of mine going of like "whutumphhh!" and then came the shout: "My arm!" I could not hold back from laughing. The Americans were walking on their hands

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Anti-personnel mines come in many forms. Some explode when you step on them. Others, more feared, spring into the air a second or two after they are tripped and explode at waist level, spraying shrapnel. An arm hit is not an unlikely event.

As for the levitator, I had one of those too, or so I thought. It turned out it was just an illusion from the angle I was viewing at. Are you sure you're not seeing the same thing?


It's a mother-beautiful bridge and it's gonna be THERE.

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Jumping mines can explain the "My arm!" , but the MG surely seemed to hang in the thin air. Anyhow this is a graphic bugey, if there exists an perfecly legal viewing angle from which the unit is displayed incorrectly. But name me one 3D engine which does not have graphic buggies wink.gif

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