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I hope it's not a stupid question... (little spoiler)

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I'm playing the team desorby opperation as the Axis, and I'm having some difficulty deciding what course of action to pursue to achieve victory. Can someone who understands better what the goal of an "advance" operation is help me out?

Should I try to push into the town and take it


Should I try to bypass the town and reach the end of the map?

Help me out guys! I know advance ops are all about reaching the end of the map but... can it really be this easy to win?

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Your goal as the attacker in an advance is to push the enemy off the back side of the map. You do this by advancing far enough to push their setup zone beyond the map edge.

We still haven't heard anything definitive from BTS about exactly how the frontline is determined, but it seems to be based on your furthest penetration into enemy territory. So if you can bypass the enemy and drive a salient deep into their territory, that's probably a good idea -- it's the defender's responsibility to maintain a cohesive defensive line.

In DeSobry, the town is important because it's a road junction and the snow makes off-road movement slow and susceptible to bog.


Leland J. Tankersley

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