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Ten Seconds to Midnight - Come and collaborate

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OK gang:

I have been slowly building a website. I have four academic articles and am teaching an overload this semester, so I had been just inching it along. It is highly incomplete, but I have endless server space and patience, so I thought by next year I would unviel it. I also did not want to compete with MadMatt's commercial work. As it is, this will be a different type of site.

Instead I am making this offer: If you would like to work on a small piece, either HTML or a text file (which I will turn into HTML) then I will open it up:

The sections will be:

(1) OOB: Order of battle for units at different times. This will be moveable through time, so the 2nd Armoured Division can have an OOB for 1942 or 1944 right next to each other.

2) Close-Up: This section is a close up look at how some unit is used in the game. Make sure you get screen shots.

3) Play by Play: A screen shot demonstration of some unit or type of manuever.

4) HWG: Historically Researched Scenarios

5) How To: How to do interesting things.

6) FAQ: Summary of discussion topics.

My e-mail for this is combatmission@goathead.org . The URL will be http://www.slapdragon.org/midnight/

If anyone would like to go on record as working in some niche, let me know and I will start keeping track of who is doing what.

My only rules for posting is:

No glorification of Nazis. You can glorify the Heer blowing up US Units all day long, but no Nazi fan stuff.

Cite your work, at least as far as including a bibliography.

Any language is welcome for posts, but if you can translate it into English it will help a lot. I can read French, Spanish, Portuguese, and I can peice together German and Italian from text books, but I am an incredibly slow translator and make lots of mistakes, like my "lifting machine" in German for Bren Carrier. Multi-language posts are encouraged.

All work's copyright remains with the creator, except I get unlimited posting rights on the Slapdragon site. Please do not send copywritten photographs, use only historical or ones done by yourself.

What does everyone think, and do I have volunteers to take on some stuff?

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I worked a couple of hours to finish the format. The idea is to give Wargamers and people who want to be a place to read about OOB - history, and how it relates to the game.

If you cannot write HTML but would still like to add something, just send it in text form with jpgs of the screen shots, I iwll do the coding.

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Great job, SD! This is exactly what I was thinking (and then some) when I mentioned a Dummies handbook on the other thread. The only suggestion is an aesthetic/organizational one: you might want to use frames, or make the navigation box bigger on the index page. There's quite a lot on the first page, and my first impression when I got there was "Holy Crap, where do I start?" I realize it's a work in progress, though, and I think what you've started can be a wonderful complement to CMHQ. I'll think about it and see if and where I can help out...

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Hey Mannheim, that's not a bad title. "Authenticity for Dummies" or sumptin like that. I like it. Yep, SD has come up with something here. We need someone to help with the place settings. Sort of a Combat Mission Mr. Manners or something. I felt the same way he did, but didn't have all the words to put it into context like he has. Good job guys. I'll be making that site a regular visit, and probably contributing.


"Wer zuerst schiesst hat mehr von Leben"

Moto-(3./JG11 "Graf")

Bruno "Stachel" Weiss

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 09-24-2000).]

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How about simply "CM for Dummies"? Whatever you call it, I agree with an earlier post by SD that none of this should be set in stone. Rather it should be seen as a set of guidelines to follow in any effort to simulate real-world OOB's, tactics, and doctrine. There should always be room for slight deviations from historical settings to try out what-if scenarios. "Slight" is a gray area that should best be left to the opponents in a PBEM or ladder to determine prior to the game. Just my $.02 adjusted for inflation and rising fuel costs...


"The real groundbreaker of CM isn't the 3D modeling, it's the 'holy crap! what the heck was THAT' factor." - Dalem

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