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Ignore the fake BTS

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Hey all.

We seem to have someone here lacking a little thing called maturity. Since he can obviously get around the ban that was placed on him, I urge you all to IGNORE EVERYTHING he says. do not respond, do not reply. When the child gets bored, maybe he'll go play somewhere else.

Again, I BEG you. IGNORE IgotMilk in all of his incarnations, including fake BTS. After a week or so, maybe he'll grow tired of tormenting us and go elsewhere.


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I am trying to ignore him, but it is just too hard!!!!




Igotmilk (the original? Oh joy...),

Since we don't allow SPAMMING on our BBS (read the Agreement) you just made the Ban List because that is all you are here to do. And it is all I have seen you do on the CC forums as well. Your reputation preceeds you by a couple of years.

Sorry if YOU are so insecure that you can't take someone discussing CM on a public forum, even though we allow people to discuss CC here on this one. Clearly you are threatened, but that is not our problem.

Yes, we have asked that people not bother close minded folks like you, but we are not little mind controllers and therefore people can do whatever it is they want. If the moderators on the CC forum want to stop SPAMMING, they can. Just as we are stoping you.


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Guest Big Time Software

Well, being civil and sane is not Igotmilk's style. So he will try to get in again, that much is for certain. All we can do is keep blocking each different IP block he posts with. We can of course get his ISP to drop him, but after a talk with a nice woman at what appears to be his main account we decided to see if we can handle him ourselves before going the drastic route.


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