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SPOILER(?) VoT Grisely ending

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I enjoy reading other "battle reports" on this forum, and thought I'd share a particularly nasty ending with you.

I played VoT as the Amis, full fog (of course) against the AI. A routine build up - artillery barrage to knock out the 75mm, then I chose to move all six Sherman's plus infantry support up the center, towards the flag in the middle, left of Plomeville. The Panther duly appeared and I got lucky, knocking it out for the loss of two Shermans. I lost another Sherman to a Panzershreck team, who paid with their miserable lives. Plomeville reduced and captured. Okay, now the awful (for the Germans) part.

I still had an Artillery Spotter with full ammo. The German infantry reinforcements were moving down from the wooded rise in the center rear of the German end towards the woods behind the center of the map. I had flanked the woods with a Sherman, who was sitting just to the north of the road almost level with the last German flag on "mortar hill". I had Amis infantry moving forward through the woods in the center. I hadn't planned this, it just sort of developed, but the AI had put a lot of German troops in those woods. As the American infantry advanced through the woods, the German infantry squads came bailing out and heading back towards their rear. They met the advancing German reinforcements as they were moving up, in the open ground between the woods and the wooded slope in the German rear. At that moment the artillery barrage I had called down on the wooded slope began. The Sherman on the flank opened up on the exposed German troops who, pressed from the front by the American infantry, had little option but to turn and flee to the rear - straight into the 105mm artillery barrage! I actually felt sorry for the littel guys, but they wouldn't surrender - they just kept running into the maelstrom. Even more of them were being flushed out of the woods in the center, being fired into by the Sherman and then the sorry survivors were pulverised by the artillery as they reached the rear.

I only had artillery left to fire because my spotter had panicked and been routed earlier in the game and so I had not been able to use him when I first wanted to.



"Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."

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was good to read your AAR . ive got a good tip not mine but someone elses (sorry forgot who)if you have mines place them in the woods or scattered trees you think would likely be used for cover near a important entry point..now ambush any units that came near there and hopefuly the troops will panic and run for the wood and straight onto your mine field .i read someone had done this with great effect.great little tactic i thought


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