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PBEM Concerns

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I just wanted to say that I LOVE CM. However, it shouldn't take 3 (I think it is) E-mails to play one turn. It would be better if it were more user friendly and if the players wanted to prevent "cheating" then they could exchange only 1 turn per E-mail as ooposed to 2. I'm basing this on my experience with TacOps (which I feel comfortable mentioning since it's in the Battlefront.com "stable". Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else shared my concerns with PBEM. Once TCP/IP gets off the ground (soon, I hope?) Then this will pretty much become a moot point. But until then...


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This has been a very common discussion for the last 7-8 months or so. Do a search to find the other threads.

If you trust your opponent, an easy way to speed up the game I think is just to exchange passwords. It lets you skip 1-2 emails per turn - those turns when your opponent just watches a movie can be jumped over quickly by you. Get it?


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