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Where do I save scenarios that I've made

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I have made a few scenarios, however I can't play them I saved them on a desktop scenario file and a few other places. I just can't load the scenarios from the play game file; someone help.

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Just tried adding cmc etc.. to the saved scenario file nnames. I have just about tried everything that I can possbly can but when I go to load up sceanrios the game doesn't seem to detect the scenarios that I've made myself. Is there a way of loading up games manually? I have tried every thing that I can think of but nothing seems to work; any other suggestions.

It's really annoying because I had just mad a massive battle which took me the last few days to make.

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Well, I don't have this problem so I'll tell you what I do. I'm talking the Windows versino here, don't know if this works for Macs.

1. At the editor main screen, I hit the SAVE button.

2. This prompts me to enter a file name. I do that. I do NOT enter an extension because that happens automatically upon saving.

3. I also let the editor save it where it wants to--in the Saved Games folder. The new scenario then appears on the list when I select Play Game from the main CM menu. If you have saved the scenario to the Saved Games folder, your new scenario appears near the top of the scenario list on the 1st page, somewhere between Quick Battle and the 1st stock scenario. OTOH, if you save it to the Scenarios folder, it appears lower on the list mixed in with the stock scenarios.



It was a common custom at that time, in the more romantic females, to see their soldier husbands and sweethearts as Greek heroes, instead of the whoremongering, drunken clowns most of them were. However, the Greek heroes were probably no better, so it was not so far off the mark--Flashman

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