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First shot kills vs. Bad Aim

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Is there a way to enhance your chances of getting good shots etc?

I find in every game I play, against the AI or a human, my tanks can never hit the broad side of a barn yet the enemy ALWAYS (and I mean that literally) get's first shot kills.

I've tried shoot and scoot, ambush (yes, even with the marker), general "hide" ambush, M18 fast moving vs. assault guns, and general "hunt" manouvers.

I loose most of my armour to this sort of thing.

Can someone help?

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My tank gunners and me. A long and sad story... I always like to remember my Panther gunner missing a Sherman from a distance of 7 meters... And in my last game, my Tiger Gunner knocked out 4 Chromwells, three Churchills, two Bren carriers, 2 mortars and nearly three squads ( 28 infantry casualties). I think there´s a BIG random factor in the abilities of those guys.

The one thing I ALWAYS do is unbutton the tank as LONG AS POSSIBLE. My guess is that the tank commander is able to correct the gunner much more efficient when his hatch is open ("Franz, 20m too short!". And if I´m lucky, he sights an enemy tank first and gets the first shot. I´d like to spread my armour wide over the map, so that the possibility of flank shots on enemy armour increases.

Since the engagement distances in CM are (in my games at least) often less than 500 meters, the first shot is EXTREMELY important. Because from 500 meters, nearly every armour can be penetrated (O.K., the front armour of a King Tiger is tough...). In defense I like to set ambushes with my tanks. I try to hide the tanks AS LONG AS POSSIBLE, let the enemy tanks advance and try to get flank shots when these Shermans are hammering my defences with 75mm HEs. ALWAYS try to get better cover than the enemy (hull down), NEVER try to go head-on with enemy armour (especially with allied tanks against german armour, this is suicide. With a Tiger your chance of survival increases but I wouldn´t count on it. I lost a lot of Tigers to Shermans...), always try to get a rear/flank shot.

So, be careful with armour. Wait till enemy armour crosses open space or is moving over a hill. Drive your tanks from their hidingplace and open fire! And pray that your gunner is not as blind as my Panther guy...

I hope you found anything useful here.


Klotzen, nicht kleckern!

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