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War books and Movies?

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I was perusing some of the posts on this message board. I don't see much of the kiddie spam or immature posts/flames that plague alot boards. I also noticed that some of these people know ALOT about war. I thought I would take advantage of that: I was hoping to gather some recommendations about the best WWI, WWII (and Civil/Revolutionary war if you know them) books or movies that really deliver a lot of detail. I'm particularly interested in tactics and weapons details. Particular battles interested me alot as well. I'm sure I'll get a slew of responses here. Thanks for the help everyone.


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For movies I'd highly recommend "Das Boot" (Direstor's cut), "Stalingrad" (director's cut), and "Cross of Iron".

Get the DVD versions if posible, then you can choose between subtitled or dubbed (and widescreen of course).

Speaking of "Cross of Iron", does anyone know where I can obtain "Steiner, Das Eiserne Kreuz" and "Steiner, Das Eiserne Kreuz II"? Preferably dubbed or subtitled in english. DVD prefered, but VHS if not available.

[This message has been edited by Red Dog (edited 07-12-2000).]

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