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CM Armour - realistic?

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Well in light of the the very interesting article that Fd ski (thanks!) made us aware of:


I just have to wonder if CM reflects this reality? (Amarican pivoting, flotation, penetration and so forth) It seems to me that all the complalints of the Ami crew isn't mirrored in CM. Opinons?


[This message has been edited by Andre76 (edited 08-01-2000).]

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From context I inferred that "flotation" refers to ground pressure, data for which is certainly at least present in CM (it's visible in the unit info screen). There was a thread here not long ago discussing maneuverability of US and German tanks and people finding that (non-HVSS) US tanks tended to bog more easily in wet ground in CM games. So I'd say that's taken care of. The differences in armor thickness and gun penetrating power are _certainly_ modeled.

The one element you mention that I'm fairly sure is not addressed in CM is the difference in turning radius. There was a long discussion on this issue perhaps a year ago. I'm don't remember for sure, but I think that the core problem was that there wasn't hard data on turning radius available for many (most?) of the tanks in CM.


Leland J. Tankersley

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The one other thing that isn't modled in CM is optics differences. Charles and Steve couldn't find any hard data showing the difference, so instead of just making something up, they left it out.

Now, the thing I noticed from the articles is that a lot of the engagements mentioned are at long range (1.5 km+) Those kinds of ranges are rarely seen in CM games (at least in most of the ones I've played...) So, while there might have been an optics advantage at long ranges, it's not as much as an issue at common CM ranges. Also, while the 75mm and 76mm Shermans couldn't touch a Tiger or Panther at long ranges, they can (and did) knock them out at the shorter ranges that are seen in CM. If you set up a flat open map, and set a Panther and 2 or 3 75 mm Shermans 2 km from each other, I suspect you'll see much the same result as described in that post (penetration wise, as I said above, optics aren't there...)


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by L.Tankersley:

The one element you mention that I'm fairly sure is not addressed in CM is the difference in turning radius. There was a long discussion on this issue perhaps a year ago. I'm don't remember for sure, but I think that the core problem was that there wasn't hard data on turning radius available for many (most?) of the tanks in CM.


Hmm.. I can see that it would be difficult to get data on the german tanks, as there aren't that many left, but the british? And certanly there are quite a few ami tnak left?!?


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