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E32000 Booth?

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Will BTS be at E3? Will you be giving away chintzy pens or something? Will there be a dunking booth filled with smilies that has Peng perched inside wearing a "Have a nice day" Tshirt and ranting incoherently?

Inquiring minds want to know...


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Guest Madmatt

They have answered similar questions in the past and the answer is NO. They don't have the manpower nor the budget to go to one of these shows. Do you know how much the rent on booth space is at E3??? eek.gif




If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

And if it's NOT on CMHQ then its just GOT to be on CMHQ-ANNEX...

CMHQ http://combathq.thegamers.net

CMHQ-Annex http://cmhq.tzo.com

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Guest Big Time Software

Yeah, between the cost of the booth space, the equipment rentals, airfare, lodgings, food, and our time... oh boy! Many thousands of dollars for sure, and for what? E3 is really just a big retail/publisher schmooze fest. Since we are our own publisher and we are not going into retail, there is no point in us being there. I've attended, exhibited, and actually run (1st job our of college smile.gif) such shows before. Fun to some extent, but certainly not worth the investment for someone like us.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Blah Blah Blah ...and the answer is NO. ...Do you know how much the rent on booth space is at E3??? eek.gif




In fuzzy logic terms would that "ALOT!!!!" be towards the higher end of possible outcomes? I only see 4 exclamation points, so I cant guage it.


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Guest Big Time Software

hehe... to be honest with you, I haven't heard a price for a 10x8 booth in many years. But if I had to guess... I would say probably $4000-$6000 just for the piece of rug under your feet + one table and maybe even a chair. That is it. Again, that is just a guess. The other stuff would likely cost us at least another $2000-$3000. Exhibiting ain't cheap wink.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

and maybe even a chair



What kind of woos needs a chair for a trade show? Ive stood in those damn things for 7 hours strait smiling at stupid engineers like they were celebritys.


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Guest KwazyDog

Hehe, last time I demoed anything at a conference was about 3 years ago in Sydney at Digital Media World (demoing 3D Max actually wink.gif).

If I remember it was about $2000 a booth. Hehe, it was a fun weekend though. I remember going to a place called the Hell Fire club on the first night, not too much else after that smile.gif

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