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simple bocage question

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Ok, I've spent about an hour reading other bocage-related discussion on the board, but need a simple game-mechanics-only answer here.

Does bocage provide any protection vs. fire to spotted units in it, and if so, how much compared to light woods or woods, or sitting behind a hedge?

In other words, in this game, can bocage be used as a defensive position to put infantry in, or is it a dangerous obstacle that is a bad place to have your troops?



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I can't answer precisely, but it doesn't appear to be much...if any protection. I usually stay away from the stuff unless I'm planning on going right on through it. Only way I know to determine the exact number is to set up a quick battle, stick the enemy in the bocage and then open the battle checking the % protection and hit chance. Not much help I know, but historically most troops didn't particularly care to have their ass hanging out while stuck in it.

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Ya, I was hoping they could set up positions in the bocage and use it as a fortified wall, but it looks like it can't be used that way. Maybe if they started the scenario there on defense and then they'd have foxholes there.



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