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A Word Of Thanks... And The Signal:Noise Ratio

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I just wanted to take a moment to thank BTS and those members of the CM community who are working hard to enrich the CM experience. Madmatt,Fionn, CoolColJ, Wild Bill's Raiders, the Beta testers, all of you working on web sites, mods, scenarios and the CMMC etc. Your work is GREATLY appreciated.

Unfortunately, the signal-noise ratio here has gotten out of hand. I think it's because at this late date, the veteran forum members have exhausted most of the possible topics. This drop off in measured, articulate discussion means that the ratio of quality discourse has dropped, giving more "air time" to bickering, misunderstanding and other such nonsense.

Please don't let the increasing acrimony deter you in your efforts to contribute to the CM community. You have all done terrific work, and there are MANY of us out here who appreciate it. We may not be making much noise, but we are out here just the same.



Rob Varak


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[This message has been edited by RobVarak (edited 02-23-2000).]

[This message has been edited by RobVarak (edited 02-23-2000).]

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

I agree. I think that's why this board degenerates into arguing every month an a half or so. We're all so anxiously awaiting the release that we get a so envious of the LUCKY beta testers that we all go insane and loose our minds. mad.gifbiggrin.gif

Well, that's the way I see it. 'Cause the quality of topics as of late IS dropping off, because lack of new ideas that haven't already been beat to death. frown.gif

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Well I see it a bit differently. I still come here an a regular basis (read daily) and though most topics have been covered pretty thoroughly, I still find enough new posts to keep me interested. I think it speaks well for the maturity (mental not physical) of the wargamers here that the flames and bickering have been far and few between. Go to other forums and see what I mean. In particular, visit Cases Head to Head and see what a forum can really degenerate to! For a bunch of blood thirsty cyber warriors, we treat each other with respect. smile.gif

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I posted a couple posts in the thread 'Firing Range Linearity'. It may be boring numerical analysis of squad FP, but it is at least on topic.

CoolColJ is doing a smashing job on his textures (Check 'em out!) Everyone should have read the GD article by now. Despite the frame-counter tiff, the POTDs at TGN of the smoke and especially the sunrise shot are incredible.

Let's see, you know, there really ISN'T much left to discuss, but I have enjoyed reading all the posts from all of you (on topic or not) over the past seven months.


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Well, it supposedly wasn't uncommon for troops who spent two long on the front lines waiting and waiting to start fighting amongst themselves. That's the way I see this signal-to-noise thing, and if anybody wants to make something of it.... wink.gif

Three things are getting me thru this wait: 1. I hit the forum and and CombatHQ less often. 2. I know how much time CM is gonna consume when I finally do get it. 3. I'm using this time for "basic training" and am trying to consume as much as I can on tactics and equipment.

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