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Odd sound contacts. Bug?

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I just started a PBEM game of VoT as the Germans (this is a blind game for me, so please no spoilers about what the US has). The first turn showed something kind of odd. About 30 seconds in or so, i started seeing a bunch of tank sound contacts appearing and disappearing very rapidly. They were bouncing around the corner of the map, just flashing on and off in different locations (some even off the edge of the map). Now, they were all located in an area where I assume there is an actual tank or two, but not the 20 or so contacts that flashed in and out of existance (either that, or this is gonna be a really short game :P )

The following thread talks about something similar in the beta demo, but it says that it's been fixed...

www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/002054.html Just wondering if it was supposed to be like this or not...

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Interesting, I've seen the same thing in a PBEM of Chance Encounter. What I thought particularly strange was that a few of the sound contacts were in areas clearly visible to a number of my units.

[This message has been edited by MichaelU (edited 05-19-2000).]

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Out of the thousand plus games of CM i've played i've seen it twice. Neither time did it last longer than a turn.

Also, it happens during the action phase so it didn't affect my tactics in any way. I'd just ignore it.


"I do like to see the arms and legs fly"

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Guest Big Time Software

That's right - it's different units reporting the sound contact, losing it, then another unit reporting it but in a somewhat different location. When all you can do is hear the enemy, you don't really now how many troops or vehicles he has, and can only make a rough guess.


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