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Hats off to Bill Carey!

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For his work on the ladder. I really like the way it's laid out. One of the best features, IMHO, is how he's put all the command-button things at both the top AND the bottom of each page. That way, after you're done scrolling down through a page of player listings, you don't have to scroll back to the top to click the forward/back/Axis players/smoking players/left-handed players/Smiley-hater players buttons


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smile.gif Thanks Doug - It's not perfect yet, but it's coming along. The odd scores will be rectified (I found the bug in the algorithm.) BTW - as to posting the alrogithm (several people have asked) the only version of it I have now is full of PERL. Fionn has a text version that is very readable and makes much more sense than my coded algorithm.

- Bill

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