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Some thoughts on german doctrine

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This is a question regarding the german doctrine of leaving the tanks behind for other units to use when reorganizing, say turning a panzer company from PzIV to PzV.

I know that the benefits of not moving the tanks is great, but AFAIK many of the most experienced units of the Wehrmacht never recieved the new tanks, they just had to cope with the old PzIV and other leftovers from reorganized units. Instead new units were formed with fresh recruits and given Panthers etc.

IMO the net result was that the experience of many veterans were never combined with the hitting-power of the new designs...

Or am I totally off-mark with this one?

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Guest Seimerst

You are partly right. Toward the end of the war (the period of CM anyway), the transportation net from the various factories to the various fronts was a mess-- that and a lot of Allied interdiction. The Germans tried to pull units out of the line and refit them with new equipment-- especially some of Hilter's favorite ones. But often, it was as you described. It was very ad hoc and as they say, "dependent on the situation".

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