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Guest Captain Foobar

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Guest Captain Foobar

Tonight I have some more pictures from Fionn for you. The more I see of this game, the more I drool. Hopefully this sort of distraction will help your drooling too.


Oh, and for the record, this link has always worked. You were hallucinating



[This message has been edited by Captain Foobar (edited 03-26-2000).]

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Guest Captain Foobar

oops, sorry..ill get that fixed asap....

if anyone else hasd suggestions or comments, i want to hear from you

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Fionn is so devilishly handsome! No wonder he managed to snag a Texas beauty for his wife. That sketch looks vaguely familiar, though... Hmm....

Nitpick note - Foobar, you spelled Nahverwoogieboogiepoo wrong. Didn't any of you see the Mister Roger's episode where Nabootidygangwafer was the word of the day?. Can you say Nahverteidigungswaffe? Sure you can. Nahverteidigungswaffe. Nahverteidigungswaffe. Sounds nice, doesn't it? smile.gif


Torture your firstborn! Name it Nahverteidigungswaffe! Name your second child Nipolit! German words are the best!!!

Say it five times fast. Nipolit, nipolit, nipolit, nipolit, nipolit!!! Sounds almost like a dirty word. Like masticate.

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Guest Captain Foobar

Umm... I didnt mis-spell it. You better double check before you embaress yourself again.. wink.gif

Oh, and the pics work now. What a perfect example of the chaos cause by naverteinsturzende neubaten..........

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