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Combat Mission Operations Toolkit

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For all of the RPG'ers out there (like me) how about your thoughts and opinions on asking BTS to design a simple and effective add on pack designed to assist all CM RPG'ers in conducting their own massive CM games?

How about adding an add on pack called Combat Mission: Operations Toolkit (or something to that effect)

This would be a program that would interface with CM as an expansion pack and allow a game master (GM) to govern and control all aspects of a CM RPG game!

The GM would use the program to input all the forces for both sides, list commanders and subcommanders, assign units, design an operational map, keep track of supplies, conduct random events, automatic weather control, resolve SOME combats, interface with both quick battle and editor to create engagements, and so on.

Anything and everything that a gaming group would need to engage in operational-sized battle encompassing many players. Think of it as a utility.

Whadya say? Any comments? Id buy it!


[This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 08-15-2000).]

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

It's not gonna happen....Thats what they said about CM also.......

If not through the cmrpg, I am certain that some operational utility programs will spring up with the CMMC, which has SO many players...

Just some quick and dirty program will do, and I am sure that we will find SOMEONE willing and able...

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Yeah, the thought did cross my mind that someone would program something like this. It probably might be the quickest approach although BTS could make some "quick" cash for a seemingly "easy" addon (and I do use those words loosely)


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I imagine that all of BTS's efforts are on refining the current CM/creating new versions.

That isn't to say that you're dead in the water. Several projects like this have gotten off the ground thanks to dedicated players who are also programmers. It might end up being an external project that only interfaces with CM via scenario files (not a bad idea, actually), but it's possible.

So, even though this might be too much of a "niche" product for BTS, I say don't discount the "programming" players of CM. They may be your best bet.


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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

Beg those lovable freaks over at Matrix games to start working on it after the finish War in the Pacific and whatever else they are working on right now. They are like santa's little elves and Wild Bill is Santa. Christmas is only 4 months away guys!

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