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Silver Star

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The Silver Star is awarded to Sgt Oakley for his action on 14SEP44. Sgt Oakley displayed leadership above and beyond the call of duty,when in the face of overwhelming enemy odds, by insuring American victory in the battle of Stolberg. Using guile and tactical efficiency, Sgt Oakley manuvered his tank [M4A3(75)W] through the built-up area of Stolberg to blunt a German armor counter-attack that threated the entire American offensive. With little regard to the odds, Sgt Oakley engaged and destroyed a Jagdpanther, Stug IIIG, STuH42 and inflicted numerous infantry casualties to the enemy. His leadership and guile secured the American foothold and subsequent push through the German West Wall.

Sgt Oakley's actions reflect great pride upon himself, his tank crew, the 3rd Armor Divison, the 1st Army and the entire United States Army.

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