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I seek a v. good Vid card idea. And more!

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hi there all

i'm happily ensconsed up in Willesden Green, London now, with a flash new job and a £3000 sign on bonus! So i'm getting home isdn via BT (ok is there anything better out there? cable? anything? I don't think so, so i will get it).

also, i'm upgrading, another couple of 32mb ram chips and a new vid card.

At the moment I have an ATI rage 1 and a voodoo 1. I WANT SOMETHING BETTER!

I have a p400, and i want CM to explode across the screen, Vampire to have that bite, and eventually NeverWinterNights to engrose me, (ok enough enough).

so HELP! Ideas for good cards


where to buy them at a good price?

I suck at online shopping, but willing ot learn how to find a good deal etc.

someone buzz me smile.gif


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Right now Nvidia-based video cards are the best consistently. The current cards are based on the GeForce chipset. You can find reviews at www.gamecenter.com or www.gamespot.com. I do not know of a great place to buy online in the U.K., but www.pricewatch.com allows you to search by several methods for what you want to find for the lowest offered online price. I do not remember seeing any U.K. based companies. Good Luck!!


Always with the negative waves, Moriarty.

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I agree--a PII 400 doesn't have enough horsepower to do justice to a GeForce1, let alone a 2. I'd stay more in the high end TNT2 range, as Compassion suggested. Are you trying to speed things up, improve the image quality, or both?

If you're already planning on adding memory and buying a new graphics card, I'd think seriously about upgrading the CPU at the same time. Do you have a motherboard that accepts faster processors? It could be as easy as swapping out the PII for a new Intel or AMD offering.

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Hi there!

thanks for all the considered replies. Well the PC does acccept quicker chips, and I'm looking for.. legacy? The option of upgrading further in the past. So i could get a super vid card, and then later on, or in a few months, upgrade the mb and chip. It's always that way with my PC smile.gif So i'm looking at the G-Force 1 ?

Yeah, i'm looking for super-everything smile.gif

And i should probably try and work out how far i can upgrade my pc.

O and also, I'm thinking of getting ISDN here in London, any better/cheaper options? Noone seems to offer cable here, and i'm loathe to go back to modem access at 5.6k


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WELL! I have more than £1000 to play with. So if i can upgrade I will, and as i said, having the ability to upgrade later on and keep the 3d card is important. My voodoo was first bought for a 166, and was way better than my pc, but lasted me these 3 or 4 years because I bought ahead, know what i mean? smile.gif

And i think i'll get ISDN =)


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You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find good stuff to buy in England.

Well scan.co.uk seem to have good prices if i decided to upgrage my chip as well as my ram, (which will definately go to 128mb), but finding a good vid card dealer is a bit tricky. I'm new here and they don't make it easy to spend money with 'em.

The GeForce sounds good really, I don't see why I shouldn't buy it!!! :> Especially since if i can upgrade my MB with a bios upgrade to take a 800mhz then it would be worthwhile eh. (mb runs at 100mhz too so it's ok).


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Have finally found stuff at checkaprice.com for UK stuff, and found a "GeForce 256 32Mb AGP" by ABIT for £131 inc. VAT.

Alternately a "AGP-V3800 TVR Deluxe - TNT2, AGP 4x, 32Mb, TVout, 3D glasses" £170 inc. VAT, by ASUS

I'm a touch lost with all the different brands and stuff. I just want a FAST card, that will last me a few years smile.gif Someone tell me what to buy! haha smile.gif (and where too if possible =)

the 3d thingumy sounds dinky too eh smile.gif


A simple Lad

[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 07-07-2000).]

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