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To my PBEM opponents

Guest Germanboy

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Guest Germanboy

Hi, apologies for this, but I decided today that I need ten days in France from next Thursday, in a 150 year old farmhouse in the beautiful Lozére and Tarn region. I will be back on August 5th.

This means an obvious delay for all PBEM that are not finished by then, and I am sorry about the inconvenience to my opponents this causes. Also, those of you I promised to PBEM, could you please add two weeks to the time-scale for the games? I have not forgotten the promises. I would however rather not start any new games before I go.

Again, apologies to those of you who will now have to wait for the ladder points they can pick up from beating me around the map. And a stay of execution for the others...

As Betty Boothroyd said last week - 'Be happy for me'. It will be the last holiday before I start a new job in September. And I won't take CM.



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Andreas, nope if you don't respond with a reply to my turn within the next fifteen minutes I'm declaring myself the winner by default ... hey it's the only hope I have

Have fun and we can take up where we left off ... there was an aircraft IIRC ... one of yours.


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Andreas, nope if you don't respond with a reply to my turn within the next fifteen minutes I'm declaring myself the winner by default ... hey it's the only hope I have

Have fun and we can take up where we left off ... there was an aircraft IIRC ... one of yours.


Phew - i just managed that deadline. Sorry about this, did not have a good morning (combo summer cold and hangover), I thought I had send it. On its way now.



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Rough bloody life.

Drink lots of wine, eat lots of illegal cheese and chase those wonderfully obliging French women (there are none better, really, so why did I marry an English woman????). Smoke a Gaulois and shrug your shoulders emphatically for me. Just make sure you take plenty of Vitamin D to stave off those pesky rickets...or is that crickets?

Oh yeah, one last thing: send me a *(^(*& Cavalry turn!




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Rough bloody life.

Drink lots of wine, eat lots of illegal cheese and chase those wonderfully obliging French women (there are none better, really, so why did I marry an English woman????). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ze woman is not dead, she's English... (punchline of one of my favourite jokes). Only in England could a 22-year old lad claim his life-time achievement is 'Pulling a French bird who is six years older than I am at the student disco'.

Turn is in the mail. Anybody else who I have missed sending a turn? Goddamn, this is embarassing.



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I accept your PBEM challenge made, I'm sure, in a drunken, foolish, ladder-point-seeking, disgracefully cynical and mean-spirited way desinged only to fascistcally and with big iron boots, stomp the lowly and meek into automotonic submission to your ubersink worshipping lifestyle. or something.

Enjoy yourself. When you return we will discuss the parameters of our engagement.



A Journey of a thousand miles starts with a single gunshot wound to the foot.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


I accept your PBEM challenge made, I'm sure, in a drunken, foolish, ladder-point-seeking, disgracefully cynical and mean-spirited way desinged only to fascistcally and with big iron boots, stomp the lowly and meek into automotonic submission to your ubersink worshipping lifestyle. or something.


Mr.Peng - that is exactly what I had in mind, thanks for putting it clearer than I ever could.

Since I challenged you, and you will have to live with the eternal humiliation of being beaten by me (ask Berli how that feels), you get to choose sides and type of engagement. The only thing I would like to ask is not to make it a city fight. I do find those exceedingly tedious. And cities don't look very nice.

Send me a set-up whenever you are ready, I look forward to whipping you across the map and back.

In the meantime, I will destroy the remaining braincells of mine with cheap French wine, ogle French maidens (and try to figure out how to skip HE rounds into their skirts, a skill first developed by German superübertankersturmartillerists), and get a suntan and overweight. Oh, and destory smilies where I can find them.



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