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O/T - WW2 flight sim for Mac

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Sorry for the off-topic thread, but I wanted to let the Mac CM users know that there's a decent WW2 flight sim coming out fairly soon. I've been looking for something... ANYTHING... to pass the time until CM gets dropped into my sweaty little mitts, and I happened upon this game through Mac Gamer's Ledge. It's not bad... the graphics aren't fantastic but they're acceptible; it's a beta demo, and we all know how those get improved smile.gif

Anyway, the main site is www.dogfightcity.com and the game is WW2 Skyfighters 2000 or something along those lines. It's already got me interested cause you can fly a Corsair (my fave), but there's several others included too. The demo should keep me busy till the REAL game comes out smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Miyamoto Musashi (edited 04-02-2000).]

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If you like WWII flight sims, you should also take a look at Warbirds from IEN. It's available for the Mac as well and is generally considered to have the most accurate flight models around (There's going to be a lot of competition for this claim soon). It also has a huge selection of aircraft to choose from including 2 variants of the Corsair.

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Thanks for the heads up about Warbirds... but personally I'm not much into online-only games like that. I got out of multiplayer gaming after I figured out that there are a lot of morons (present company excluded, of course) who roam the multiplayer halls, seeking whom they can frustrate. So after getting smoked countless times in Jedi Knight and other FPS by little kids with cheat codes, I vowed never to multiplayer again. Of course, WW2Online sounds cool, but I have a feeling, as has been said by other members here, that the cooperative aspect of that game (which would be the big selling point for me) wouldn't be so cooperative. We'll see...

Anyways, just my two cents smile.gif

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Well Miyamoto, with the prices that Warbirds charges to play I

don't think you'll have to about too many morons hanging around

to harass you. smile.gif The only people you're likely to find on there

are serious WW II fighter sim buffs. Ones that don't mind

spending painful amounts of money to fly the best online sim there

is. If I were rich I'd fly there too. smile.gif

I think the best deal going in online sims has to be Airwarrior.

The flight models aren't as good as Warbirds but not bad and the

graphics are nice enough. There is a large dedicated group of flyers

on there (some have been flying for ten years! smile.gif) and it's not

hard at all to find guys from your virtual country to fly cooperatively

with against the enemy. There are almost always others online

to fly with and many of them are cool fellows. And all this

for only $10 a month, unlimited flying. smile.gif And there are even

other games available on the same service you can play, no extra

charge, the $10 covers everything. Can't beat that. smile.gif Give it

a try if you're interested, the first 2 weeks or month is free.

Can't hurt to give it a whirl. smile.gif

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If you really like skyfighters 2000 you dhould buy the beta cd right now. You'll get the final when it comes out. Also there is a great community that plays this sim and unlike warbirds its free to play skyfighters 2000 on the internet. If you go to the irc channel mentioned at the web site you bump into people who have been playing for some time. Best of all some of those guys actually fought in ww2. I've played skyfighters the first incarnation of this game and loved it immensely. If you want a good flight sim this is definately a choice for you.

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Thanks for the input, guys. Airwarrior sounds intriguing... I'll have to check that one out (can't resist a free trial... he he). By the way, any recommendations for a good USB joystick that's Mac compatible? I'm shopping around for one, but first-hand reviews from the esteemed members of this panel carry a lot of weight in my book wink.gif

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If you're looking for a good joystick for the mac, you should check out www.suncominc.com

I looked around for a long time for a good joystick and I just purchased their SFS flight stick (USB for the Mac) just last week. Prior to that, I tried the CH F-16 stick and the Sidewinder from microsoft. I am very impressed and pleased with the suncom stick. It's heavy, fits a large hand very well and has a good 8-way hat switch (the CH stick is only a 4 way) which is a must have for view systems such as in warbirds. Also, it doesn't spike at all unlike the CH or sidewinder sticks. To top it off, it is the least expensive at only $25. I know i'm giving it a very high recommendation, but I couldn't be happier with mine.

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Thanks for the info on the flight sims and the joystick. I just installed a G-4 and am having trouble getting my old Flightstick Pro to run using a USB adapter. Anybody have any experience getting an old stick to run on a G4, or am I just better off buying a new USB joystick such as the one mentioned earlier in this thread? Will the stick mentioned earlier run with old games like Red Baron, Out of the Sun, Starfleet Academy and the Star Wars flight sims?


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Ahhh pointing this guy at WB Pritzl....Tsk, tsk aren't there laws against putting people onto addictive substances?

Hope I'm talking to the right guy, s! You still flying?




[This message has been edited by Fenris (edited 04-04-2000).]

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Guest PeterNZ

I used to be dyna

then dyna-- in warbirds and i have to say the people there are a super bunch.

The idiots tend to be bad fliers, so killing them over and over was lots of fun smile.gif

but yeah,. it's expensive frown.gif



.C O M B A T. .V I S I O N.

* Film From The Front *

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Hey Fenris! Yep, I'm still flying. You just haven't seen much of me recently because I'm working on another degree and it's keeping me way too busy lately. JG 77 is doing well and we've amassed a 3 to 1 kill ratio in the current S3. You're right about one thing. WB is too much of an addiction to just quit cold wink.gif

Naturally, I'm already clearing a big chunk of my schedule in anticipation of Combat Mission smile.gif


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