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An easy way to "cheat"?

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My CM buddy and I decided to start our first PBEM with the gold version, and something came up that I don't think I've seen mentioned anywhere.

We chose one of the gold scenarios and I sent him my setup file. However, what would've prevented me from cranking up the editor, adding 40 artillery FOs and sending that to him as my setup for that gold scenario?

I suppose there's little to nothing that BTS could do to address this (at least not inexpensively), and that perhaps the most effective way to deal with this is to let people choose whether they want to play with known cheaters....

One thing that might help would be an additional message displayed during setup; this message would display either the point values for both forces (factoring in any bonuses / handicaps) or the ratio of those numbers. Of course, you could still do what I described above, but your opponent would have a sense from the outset as to whether he was in for a fair fight....

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In the editor that comes with the final version, and was used to make the scenarios, there is a tournament mode for saving scenarios. Once saved in this mode, it cannot be opened except to play. Period. That's why, when building scenarios, make sure you have a back-up copy incase you need to modify your creation.





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I think the easiest thing to do is self monitor. If someone sent me a scenario that had obviously been altered then I would politely tell them to "Kiss my ass". People who would cheat like that don't last long. Word gets around real quick.



"someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati



Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring

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