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Textures for the Macintosh

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FYI my Mac using brothers I have installed over 350 new winterized textures into my graphics files. (

A very tedious operation )

I am willing to share the fruits of my labor. If I get enough responses I shall upload them were talking

40megs or so in files and with Cable modem's lousy upstream transfer rate, Well you get the idea.


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Great job! Thanks for doing them.

did you test all the graphics? I found that some of the third party ones dont transfer over as is and need to be modified. Just curious to see if you noticed this as well.

Also, please note that these graphics will NOT be usable with the MDMP-1 or 2 packs for the mac, at least not yet. Hopefully in the future....

After we get MDMP-2 out we're going to start converting over the third party mods (or, with m-man's permission, use his conversions), but will only release them after we test them to make sure they dont affect other textures.

Thanks for doing them martiniman! I know how much work it is to do them. I'm glad someone else had the time to create them, as I've been swamped with work and MDMP-2 stuff.

I'll respond to your email tonite or tomorrow and we can start figuring out how to make them compatible with the other mods (MDMP-1 and 2) that we've done. Sound good?



The only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once

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Hey y'all. I looked through all of the graphics files and didn't find any conflicting texture numbers although It seems the winterized King Tiger doesnt work. Im assuming that a unique PICT resource should work providing CM makes a call to it.

I used resorcerer 2.2 and was able to cruise through them pretty fast. I did them when I was on the phone etc. The Winterized textures look G R E A T! I would serve them from home but cable upstream sux I really miss my DSL!

I will have em up on my server in the next few days. Being a working musician I have a lot of free time during the day. Its the least I can do after the grief I gave BTS after a botched delivery. ( I got an empty package ) since then I have personally been responsible for about 10 copies sold. To folks who never play sims! WHOO WHOO!

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