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Hello all, as some of you may know, I have been working on winterized textures for CM.

I have done the COMPLETE set of German vehicles and equipment. (Although not available to download yet. Gotta compile zips for them all.)

Today I whipped out a winter version of all of the uniforms in the game. I have sent Madmatt the file and it should be up within a couple days. These are really cool. I think you'll like them. smile.gifbiggrin.gif

I discovered a new technique while doing the uniforms, so I may go back and try to apply it to some of my vehicles to get a more realistic effect.


"I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus

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"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of Army Group North, and I will have my winter textures available soon, in this life or the next"

Oh, apologies but I love that movie. Thanks Maximus, I for one am really looking forward to all this stuff!


"If your flank march is going well, the enemy expects you to outflank him"

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And they are GREAT

But as all military fatigues we will say "pas très couture" biggrin.gif



"Deux intellectuels assis vont moins loin qu'une brute qui marche"

Un Taxi Pour Tobrouk

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