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National D-Day Museum

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The wife and I just returned from spending a few days in New Orleans. We were privileged to be able to enjoy many of the festivities surrounding the grand opening of the National D-Day Museum. I cannot begin to describe how incredible it was to rub shoulders with thousands (yes, thousands) of WWII veterans. It was truly wonderful seeing those sweet, stooped old men shed tears as thousands and thousands of people thanked them for the work they did almost 60 years ago.

It was truly an unbelievable experience. And the museum is awesome, too. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.

God bless America!

Preacher smile.gif

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Ya I was in New Orleans only a week ago and the d-day museum was on our to-do list. However, we arrived as it was closing, and I was not able to see it. But, because Tulane University is my first choice in terms of college, I definitely will be going there soon.

God bless.

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