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Knocked out armour

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I was playing the Elsdorf battle as the Nazis, keeping everyone hidden and organising ambushes. As the Yanks approached, sticking to the roads due to the snow the lead Sherman spots my concrete pillbox and turns at the corssroads to engage it. At this point my 75mm inf gun hardly believing his luck has a nice rear shot at around 500m and takes it out with his first attempt. Now what happens next is silly, although the rest of the Yank armour that is following behind the sherman cannot see the 75mm, they can see that one of their more heavily armoured mates has just been taken out. First a greyhound follows the exact same path as the Sherman to engage this concrete Mg pillbox,and is promptly destroyed. The same follows with a Preistly SP a Stuart and Half track, all being despatched expertly by a measly 75mm Regular.

Does CM AI actually take into account possible death/hazard/ambush spots? More to the point should it? Surely once something has been taken out from an unkown enemy position, any advance near where the casualty occurred should cease until deemed very safe

Any thoughts or similar experiences?

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Guest ckoharik

In my experience the computer usually avoids any ambush spots I set up. But, I have seen it repeatedly throw units into the same meatgrinder time and time again, but that's usually infantry.

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Have seen it happen in my games, mostly with infantry, which I considered kinda stoopid but nice...

I wouldn't think that the AI looks at possible ambushe points (quite computationally expensive), it probably looks at forest density etc to determine good routes to follow. As usual, official enlightment is sought (but won't come, as we are getting into trade secret land) smile.gif

BTW, to save you from flaming, you might want to add a "possible scenario spoiler" thingie in your post.


My soldiers are regular, must be the fibre in the musli...

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