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Looking for 3rd mission from old demo. Please help.

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I'm trying to pass the time (bear it)until I can afford the full version and would like to get the "extra mission" that was available for the earlier demo. This should keep me busy long enough. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could send it to me. I believe it was named cm_ce.zip. I had it written down. Thanks in advance. Mark


ps What a tremendous game smile.gif

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Sorry, but the two scenarios in the Gold Demo are all that you can play. The original Beta Demo came with Reisburg and Last Defense (which are the ones you don't have in the Gold Demo). BTS came out with Chance Encounter (the cm_ce.zip file you are looking for) for the Beta Demo a little later.

The file formats are incompatible and the resources don't exist in the Gold Demo to play with other vehicles, etc.

Unfortunately you'll just have to have patience until you can afford the full version.

[This message has been edited by Schrullenhaft (edited 08-01-2000).]

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You are playing the Gold Demo I assume.

Chance Encounter WAS the third scenario, hence the 'ce' in the zip file name.

The other two scenarios in the Beta Demo are in the full game, and so is Chance Encounter for that matter.


Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ.

Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo

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