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Ever see a reinforcement slaughter???

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I was just playing VoT. I had the remnants of 3 platoons of infantry up on the hill where the German reinforcements come in by Turn 15. (Including the engineer platoon.)

I was in the process of bringing up all but two of my Shermans for support against the Panther. Well, by Turn 16, I had two Sherman 75s stratling each side of that light house up there with a Sherman 105 over on my right flank east of the pond over there.

Well, the reinforcements popped up by Turn 17's orders phase. I targeted all 3 platoons on the 3 squads that popped up. The Sherman had a 86% chance of hit on the Panther from the side with a Good chance of a kill.

So I hit GO! and the slaughter began. First thing that happened was 2 or 3 squads threw satchel charges or rifle grenades at the Panther knocking it out instantly with a big BANG! all the while the rest of the squads were mowing down the German squads in a massacre similar to the Buldge Massacre. All the shooting was over within 25 seconds. Needless to say the AI surrendered after that.

I have a screen shot of my troops massed up on the hill from Turn 16, right before the Germans showed up. But I have no way of posting it 'cause that juston.com site doesn't freakin' work!


"The greatest risk...is not taking one."

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Guest Rob/1

I did somthing simler once it was in the other drection thoe. I had the Allied renforcements surounded compltly or so I thought they forced me to surrender four turns later. frown.gif

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I had a PBEM opponent (in VOT) try the same thing , he set-up a platoon to wipe out my americans as they came in. Only problem my M4s came in behind him , i sufered 40% infantry casualties , he sufered 100% , and surrendered with 0% morale a turn later. Moves like this, is why once the game comes out i will only play double blind matches.

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Yes it does bring up an interesting point doesn't it?

My main strategy through that whole game was "charge or rush tactics". I would keep the MGs back and suppress the MG post I was assaulting and then rush the position with a platoon of infantry. As my infantry would close, the defending MG or suppressed infantry squad would stand up and and try to walk/run away, thus being picked off easily.

This is the first time I've tried it quite like this, and suprisingly, I took light casualties, hence the number of infantry I had up on the reinforcement hill. Took me a while to take out the damned 150mm Inf Gun. They hide him back in the woods just enough to where I couldn't get sight of it by my Sherman 105.

[This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-10-2000).]

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Hey Y'all

LOL. I, the opponent described by Sgt. Morgue, was just thinkin' of posting: Yeah, I've seen that kind slaughter, but was on the receiving end in the American reinforcement zone.

I thought I'd experiment with faust. I charged the zone on turn 9 with four squads.

Turn 10, I separated the one with two faust. I had three Shermans pegged with faust, and concentrated on the Allied HQ with the remaining squads. My men were weary and except for one failed to launch (missed), as they shifted targeting to respond to Allied infantry. As the smoke cleared, I got a nice view of the dead body marker. Nasty, to say the least. Hey, Sgt, that was a good game; I'll have to avenge those german boys in our CE game smile.gif

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I've done pretty much the same thing a couple of times. When playing against the AI as the Amis, I attack through the valley on the right side of the map (the one with the road going down it), staying out of LOS of the 75 mm bunker. When I have eliminated all the troops in front of me, I load up my reinforcement Sherms with infantry squads and a zook. I then charge them up the right side of the hill as fast as I can. There's a little hill behind the lake that I use to give them a good LOS of the Panther and the enemy infantry. When they come, I KO the Panther, and the infantry will panic and run for cover as fast as they can, always taking heavy casulties.


There is nothing certain about war except that one side won't win.

-Ian Hamilton

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Ouch! The old foreknowledge bushwack. I'd be kinda perturbed if I was the email victim of such an ambush. But hey, the AI is fair game!


"Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar eats you. Take it easy, Dude." -- The Stranger

The Dude abides.

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I think this is a way people trying to gain from build-in quirks. The reinforcements have to show up anywhere (best would be if the player decides where they should show up!).

Normally they don't pop up out of nowhere, the panther would have started firing off-map (maybe we need a scrollable/enlargeable map ?).

So are you gonna play each and every scenario of CM just to get the advantage to know where the reinforcments show up and by that gain unjust advantage ?

(somwhat grumbling) murx

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