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CM in comparison to ASL

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Similar in my opinion as far as concept goes.

However the board game does not compete to this in light of atmosphere,graghics,and one doesnt need to make the sounds himself. smile.gif

One also doesnt need to find an opponent.

But the accuracy and unit data is second to none for CM,but as far as general tactics etc go i would go as far to say the same stuff works for both


"Some people don't see the light until they first feel the heat"

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I'd say this forces more coordination between units, and the AI ensures that you can't fight "to the last counter", or send out 3 guys, counting on 1 of them to survive cause there are only 2 defenders. It's got better command and control, although ideally I'd like a way for the armor to be commanded by the AI or some such. Still seems strange for me to be able to get a tank to pop out at the

right minute - what, do I detail a guy with a radio to stand next to it, or something?

I do very much like the line of sight and FOW features. Again, they aid in tactical thinking.

As an example of all this, I have a building assault going on in a game I'm playing. In ASL, I'd do it the same way here - covering fire from one unit, two units advancing from different axes. But in this game I can tell that the guys are moving around inside the building, I know that my me will respond quickly cause their commander is nearby, and I also know that the simultaneous advance from two sides is likely to surprise the unit, especially since it can't really split it's fire. I also have to worry that they will try to ambush the attackers, or move out of sight of the covering unit, all that stuff. So I have some additional info, and I can do more with it.

As much as I loved ASL, this is a greater accomplishment. Buy a good book on WWII tactics, and remember, when in doubt, attack!

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CM is similar in concept and scope to SL (I played SL and all 3 gamettes, but never shelled out for ASL), but is orders of magnitude better in implementation. Because (A)SL was a board game with cardboard counters and IGOUGO (despite the intertwined turns), it was limited in how realistic it could be. CM eliminates or reduces many of the abstractions because computers are happy to remember lots of things and do repetitive tasks, and do it all really fast. And the sounds and graphics are just awesome, even on my laptop with limited graphics performance.

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