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CM2,how about wounded troops?

Guest AL the red

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Guest AL the red

I know CM reports casualties at the end of battles but units eliminated during a game are depicted by a corpse.What happens to the soldiers who have wounds?

In CM2,would`nt it be good if you could launch daring rescue missions to retrieve these unfortunate souls.How about Medics? Field Ambulances?

If points were awarded for soldiers recovered from a battle it would add another facet to an already incredible game (IMO).Perhaps if wounded soldiers were included in the scenerio editor we could create battles which involved elements of search and rescue.

In real warfare,casualty evacuation is a major part of fighting (and winning)a battle,so why not implement it in CM2?

Just a thought. Al

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What you are referring to here is well beyond the scope of the game.

Medics, ambulances etc have no place in this type of a game. And what are they going to do? Run over and heal guys during a battle? Incapacitated guys are not capable of combat and they cannot be patched up during a 1 hour "Combat Mission".

Unless of course BTS places some Stim packs or Med kits around the battle field. smile.gif

Your statement that casualty evacuation is a major part of fighting a battle may be true, but it has no place in CM that I can see.

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It would be nice, however, if CM introduced another level of troop condition, that being slightly wounded. This would be a more realistic representation of a squad's fighting capabilities and could have the same effect as when a MG moves and it has to leave behind ammo because it's lost crew members. ie, You have a squad of 8 guys but 2 are wounded, if they move from their position, the 2 become casualties. Or perhaps wounded could keep up with a move command but are lost with a run command or, possibility #3, wounded can't be lost but merely have a reduced FP.

I would also like to see CM2 model KIA vs WIA percentages according to actual events and not randomly.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

It would be nice, however, if CM introduced another level of troop condition, that being slightly wounded. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not sure I agree - remember the good old 'A journey of a 1,000 miles starts with a shot in the foot'. If I as grunt Joe Bloggs was wounded during an attack, I certainly would not say to my platoon leader 'It is but a fleshwound, where can I get a Military Medal for continuing to attack?', I would bugger off to the aid post, to be helped with my shurely deadly wound before I keel over.

That is of course slightly different if I defend Bastogne, but on balance I am happier with the slightly wounded dropping out than staying in.



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[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-03-2000).]

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