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Ok, how many of you guys are happy about CM?

Guest MantaRay

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Guest KwazyDog

Ive been into games, particular strategy games and when I came across CM the first time I thought to myself 'hmm, nah, too good to be true' wink.gif I bookmarked the sight and didnt think too much about it for a couple of weeks. I dropped back on a quiet day at work and read the FAQ and started reading about the detail in the penetration system and thought 'DAMN, maybe it is what it says it is smile.gif'

For me this is THE best game Ive ever played. Not just strategy, but the best game out of any out there.

Ive started working on CM over a year ago, have been testing it for 6 months and I still cant wait to get home to do another turn in the operation Im playing! smile.gif

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The response seems to be almost unanimous, you did a really great job with this game.

I can't imagine how many hours of designing, planning, coding you did to get it to this point.

Thanks for the effort and time you put into it, you did a better job than any other computer strategy game I have seen so far.

Congratulations for a job well done.

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Happy with CM? Interesting question. I have to look at the real reason I play games on my computer, in short, entertainment. A game that entertains me, can act as a diversion for hours, can let me step out of my everyday worky-work life is a good game. The more entertained I am the better the game. CM is incredibly entertaining. I can spend hours planning, plotting, and analyzing each move, as well as watching the replay again and again and again. It is like making your very own war movie, or a sandbox full of living toy soldiers. Call me childish, but man, I just get the biggest kick out of watching all those little troops doing what I want(or not). Smoke, flames, explosions, the sound of the MG42s rattling away, it's just wild. This game is FUN. The interface is easy, and the rules/outcomes make sense. I have lurked on this board for several months now, offering the occasional smart-assed remark (once a slacker, always a slacker) and I have read countless posts from some debating(sometimes ranting) the merits of this weapon system, the speed of that(remember the HMG Thread...). Perhaps we miss this simple point- why is this ame so good, because it is so fun.


No matter where you go, there you are.

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Did you ask if this we liked this GAME? This isn't a game man this is a holistic experience into the depths of warfare. I no longer view my computer as an inanimate machine it is my window into the real world.... I work only to pay my DSL bill, I live only to upgrade my processing speed... I, I,.... Sorry about that yes, you could say I like it.

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When I started to play cardboard and paper wargames about 18 yrs ago, I found a little gem called Squad Leader and fell in love with it. When it became Advanced Squad leader I still loved it, though it became overly complicated. Squad Leader was the best of it's day and I believe that Combat Mission is going to be the same in the computer wargame genre. Combat Mission takes what was best in Squad Leader and greatly improves upon it in computer gaming. This is the best game I've ever played and I look forward to many hours of delight in creating my own version of the Great World War II.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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