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Polish scenerio, what do you think, listen.

Guest Rommel22

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Guest Rommel22

since this is not east front, the closest you come to it is, make a polish vs German scnerio and you almost got the eastern front.

Tell me if this is a good idea, i am making a operation, where the German SS launces a attack on a small village in poland. There will be tanks, so they will all be shermans and sextons. But you ca protend they are lend lease. But I can take out the tanks.

What I wanted to do was create a large town scenerio, which would represent a suburb of warsaw. the scenerio would be based on the anti-German riots when the Russians were reaching the town in 1944. to me it sounded good, but the tank problem, that all are American or British tanks. But the tanks can stay out. How about it???


Russian tactics as said by von Mellenthin "Bridge heads everywhere"

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Guest Rommel22

Yeah, that what I was planning on doing.

But how do I give the Poles captured german tanks. Well no prob, I'll just give them no tanks.

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Actually you CAN give the Poles captured German equipment (well, sort of) if you use a little imagination. Here's what to do:

1) For the Panther(s) give them something comparable from the US or British inventory, say an M4A3 with 76mm just as an example.

2) Before playing the scenario, temporarily swap the textures for the M4A3(76) (or whatever vehicle you chose) with the textures for the Panther (suitably marked with patriotic Polish slogans and home army markings).

Now they will have a tank which *looks* and behaves like a Panther. It will not have the same armour characteristics of course, but if you're willing to fudge it a little you should get the effect.


It's a mother-beautiful bridge and it's gonna be THERE.

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Guest Rommel22

Well to much work. But I already made one German operation againts the Poles. The op si you have to capture a cross road village. the village is medium in size. I played it a few minutes ago. It's awesome, but thats me since I build it. So e-mail if you wan the op.

Just a word about, I hope this is not a spoiler. I atacked the poles full force suffering heavy casulties but pushing the poles across a far distance.

This is the formations you have.

gemrans all SS crack troops.

3 platoons of crack SS

2 Pz IV

2 H/T 20mm

1 hetzer

2 hmg

1 81 mm spotter

1 105mmm spotter.

Poles all regular

1 companie of troops

and 2 more platoons.

2 fireflys

1 sherman 3

2 humber scout cars

Not sure but I think there is more.

This is out of my head. Well If you want just contact me.


Russian tactics as said by von Mellenthin "Bridge heads everywhere"

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