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Position Available: Combat Mission RPG

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University studies are starting for me this week and I'm going be swamped with reading and assignments. Therefore, I'm not going to have as much time to put into the RPG.

I'm looking for people, preferably with past RPG experience of some sort, to work as assistant GM's for my CMRPG (www.geocities.com/cmrpg).

You'll be processing movement and coordinating the timing thereof, as well as determining hotspots (where people meet up) and creating battles for the players. The great fun of this is that you get to watch an entire Operation unfold in front of you from a birds-eye view. If you like reading about historic operations you'll enjoy watching these events unfold. On the downside, you're going to need to put some time into it. On average it takes about 4 hours a turn to coordinate movement etc.

You have the advantage of taking over part of a system that I've developed. Indeed there was a lot of work to be done when this just started smile.gif

If anyone is interested in the position please email me.

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I'd really love to help, but I'm still waiting for some sorry #sses to bite the dust so I could play the thing personally.

However, maybe you could tell what you are expecting from these assisting GM's so it would be easier for folks to evaluate how the job will fit with their life and how they fit the job.

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