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Of Cabbages and Kings

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Well said Mrs Costello!

OBG for shame! SS lives in the states so leave our poor northern pals out of this one. I hate Canadians almost as much as I hate anyone that doesn't make a good "fit" with my way of thinking and being, but there is really no reason to bust on them in this thread. Let's stick to SS_FancyPeter and his frailties and foibles and wussy opinions about everything from winning (rarely) to losing (his temper, his sense of humor, his perspective, his undies, his cookies, his lunch and mostly GAMES!). pile on! kick him hard, he ain't down yet. bash him with great bashings!! taunt and torment and tease, oh my!

sorry about the wizard of oz allusion. it all gets down to dorothy eventually, for me.

SS! Defend Yourself!


I count 3 dead smilies and 11 wounded from this post. The wounded will not survive.


Peng sez "die a lot now."

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

I didn't bring up Canadians on this thread, Major Tom did....BUT ANYWAY........what was it that we were discussing?

Oh yeah! On how much some (nameless) players could be so "weenies" and "whiners" (not to be confused with "boozers") and oh, something about Cabbage.

Boy alot of smiles died in that sentence!

I don't know about you, but I don't really care too much for cabbage. Cabbage is good every now and then, but every day, NO WAY!

Now Kings, I like. One can never have too much control over a land. Especially a land littered with poor excuses for Cabbage! biggrin.gif LOL biggrin.gif

Wait a minute! I just thought of something. smile.gif SS? Is it you that lives around Chicago, or am I mistaken?

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OK, lets get this clear...

I taunt people. its what i do. i don't know squat about unit composition or weponry or versions of this or that particular APDS or yer sister's ass. I DO know how to taunt people, but here is the really hard part for some people to grasp. my tongue is ALWAYS firmly planted in my cheek. smilies or not. we are talking about a GAME that we PLAY. I talk plenty of trash and i bust balls and i poke fun and sometimes it may look like i am serious. i had all of my serious bones removed and replaced with funnybones a long time ago. seriously.

so if you are in it to be mean don't ride my coat tails. I AM IN IT FOR FUN. it just so happens that SS is a terrific target for me because he forgets that this is a game and some of us are here ONLY to have fun: that we don't give a hoot about whether the game engine runs on unleaded or a gas-oil mix, or if the sum of the sides of an isocolese triangle really do gramafritz the 77mm post hoc do-hicky on the prefarkle calculation of the thing that does the trajectory for ausf higgity coneshaped dirt clods in a semi armored cod piece.

Got it? good. forget what i said now. close this thread. leave SS alone. i am about to whoop his sorry but in LD: that will be enough humiliation for him for one weekend.

Goodnight Gracie



Peng sez "die a lot now."

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

I agree with Mr.Peng 110%. I think the major problem here is that some of the people in this community are taking ALL of this ****, WAAAAY TOOOO seriously.

When they sit there and argue, "Well, this is really stupid because, this would never happen or that is unrealistic."

It's a goddam GAME fellas! Yes, it's groundbreaking and everything, but it isn't the first game that broke ground. The classic Wolfenstein 3D was groundbreaking. That was the first 3D FPS. Hell it ran on old 286s and 386s. Sid Meier's line of Civilization games were groundbreaking.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE this game and what it's doing for the WARGAME industry. BUT for every one to continue to drool on it every day and get so worked up over it like some of us, including me, do is counter-productive to the development of this wonderful game.

At this late stage of development, I can't fathom why there are still discussions on features they'd like to see. HELL FELLAS, we don't even know what features are already in the final game.

Can we not wait a few more weeks till the Gold Demo comes out, and THEN make suggestions for patches or whatever. But you know what? I think we're gonna be so blown away. We're all gonna laydown and face BTS HQ and chant "WE'RE NOT WORTHY, WE'RE NOT WORTHY."

So this mess about terrain FOW and auto-surrender (sorry guys) and this and that can hold off until we see just how old the BETA DEMO really is.

I'm with Mr.Peng, I'm not an expert on the little nit-picky **** like artillery ranges and the different velocities and accuracies of some off the wall L?? gun. 'Cause quite frankly, I don't give a ****. Just as long as the GAME plays well and is as realistic as humanly possible and doable on today's computer technology, then I'm happy.

I know, some of you may say I'm sounding a bit hypocritical here, but you know what? I don't care. But all this pointless bickering about stuff that we'd like to see or are basing on what's in a 7-month old DEMO is utterly ridiculous until we see that final code in a couple of weeks. THEN if you see a problem, THEN bitch about it then, but to continue to harp on problems in the DEMO is very STUPID. Even Steve keeps saying this.

Consider this a REALITY CHECK!!!!

I'm sorry, but I have almost gotten sick about all this crap going on on this Forum.

For any new members or new people to the CM community, I apologize, but the **** on this board is just getting too deep.

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Speaking of Kings and Cabbages. Theres only two people here that actually make me literally laugh out loud.

Peng cause hes SO freakingly over the top funny in a thinly disguised way and Bastables cause hes just ..uh .. well he makes me laugh ALOT. Hes so funny for all the wrong reasons.


PS I forgot to mention the OB&G makes me snicker..again, for all the wrong reasons.

[This message has been edited by Username (edited 04-22-2000).]

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Username:

PS I forgot to mention the OB&G makes me snicker..again, for all the wrong reasons.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Maybe because I'm the only son of a bitch that actually says what he thinks instead of hiding behind a "politically correct" barracade. smile.gif The United States would have never broken away from England had its fore-fathers never spoken up to tell the King what they really thought of him. wink.gif

PS-Oh yeah, and sometimes you have to question authorty. biggrin.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm with Mr.Peng<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You are not fit to touch the hem of Peng's drool-stained, cabbage-soaked garment.

You're with Peng? That's like mixing Bud Lite with the finest triple-zero Nepalese black, my friend.

We know Peng. Peng is a fiend of ours. And OBG, you're no Peng.

The audacity! Is there no end! You run out from under the skirts of BTS to deliver a final kick, and ask THEM to lock up the thread for you (perhaps unaware that thread originators can lock up their own threads, poor evidence of a self-proclaimed GENIUS, caps yours)!

Now you DARE to coattail onto a classic Pengippic, just as you DARE to assume a position of spokesmanship for CM.

You presume to lecture others on rudeness, when you have subordinated rudeness ONLY to a startling lack of cognizance, which may be your only excuse. Survey your own posting history and review your own penchant for CM suggestions, your demands for a release date, your "tact": "what's up with that crap?", etc.

An opinion sought from BTS is an opinion sought from the horse's mouth, as it were. Apparently we are blessed with the horse's entire anatomy on this board, but you really should review your posts before punching "Submit", not for "color", but for content and maturity.

This is NOT a case of siding with SSPL, who may or may not have his own issues, but who has shown admirable restraint in light of your recent provocations.

This an expression of personal distaste for your recent conduct here. I do not want a flame war with anyone. Neither do most others here. Please accommodate us.

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I'm touched, touched I tell you. This outpouring of affection has warmed the cockles of my parts and given me a polenzy feeling all down in my gutty-wuts. People who loathe each other like me. YOU REALLY LIKE ME!

MkIV! Oh man "drool soaked, cabbage stained garment!" fabulous! this thread is a goner now tho...hey can I lock it myself?



Peng sez "die a lot now."

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Which one is Will?

just tried to close the bastard and it sez i don't got the proper authority to do so. let it ride baby, let it ride.

The mad cabbage is at it again. zippin cats all over the backfield. although this time he's got the inf to back em up. very nasty. very nasty indeed.


smoked by a cabbage


Peng sez "die a lot now."

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Peng asks: Which one is will?

I believe "will" is goanna. biggrin.gif

(this was too good to resist).


I'm drinkin' wine, I'm eatin' cheese and catching some rays, you know. — Oddball

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 04-23-2000).]

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Speaking of the ol' flyin lizard, what sort of chasm has he dropped into?he was rippin me a new arse in some damn game...guess i was boring to him. Might be time for the lizard to be "Pengippiced".

thanks to MkIV for the fabo term coinage! I keep finding more to like about that post. I really dug the "Peng is a FIEND of ours!" {that wasn't a typo was it?} I know it was a riff from that "I knew Jack Kennedy and you're no Jack Kennedy" thing, but even if Fiend was a typo, it made it that much better. AH me, I better get off the bottle and in to bed. I am positively giddy. Gnight everybody.



Peng sez "die a lot now."

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

You run out from under the skirts of BTS to deliver a final kick, and ask THEM to lock up the thread for you (perhaps unaware that thread originators can lock up their own threads, poor evidence of a self-proclaimed GENIUS, caps yours)!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

just tried to close the bastard and it sez i don't got the proper authority to do so.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahhh, now Genius, who can lock the threads?

Let's say it together now,

Only "ADMINISTRATORS" can lock the threads.

Who's the Genius now?

I've tried it myself before so I already knew that I can't. Gotcha!

Look people, I'm REALLY not trying to be an asshole here, but it just gets damn old to answer the same ol' questions over and over again and then also to try to explain the same ol' thing over and over again to stubborn people.

Also, there is quite a bit of domestic tension in my household now. I've been disabled for over a year and a half now due to a auto accident. (I'm 26, was on my own for a while, but had to move back in.) And my mother had a car wreck at the end of February with a severely broken foot and ankle. And which my mother is stubborn in taking pain medication in fear that it may react with her heart medication. My father has to take care of both of us and things are a bit hectic around here. So my tone may be a bit bitter at times. The tone is a bit bitter in my house. frown.gif

And if you think I'm making that up, then as Madmatt would say, "Bite me." biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 04-23-2000).]

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Dammit Berli! you know those things give me the creeps!

There are dozens of rotting smilies strewn about my lair, BUT THEY JUST KEEP COMING BACK!


Peng "the only good smilie is a dead smilie."

and another one bites the guts.


Peng sez "die a lot now."

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Herr Peng,

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Might be time for the lizard to be "Pengippiced"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think we need to give the little lizard a break. He has fallen on hard times. I just finished viewing the end game screen between him and Moriarty (who, as you well know, is as easy to beat up on as shooting smilies in a barrel), and the lowly lizard had surrendered to him.

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