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CM could use a little support @review sites

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Hey all,

I just surfed over to a couple of the sites where user reviews are being posted and a couple individuals have done some negative posting towards CM.

The ratings are still in the low 90s for CM but for those of you that haven't gone and voted/reviewed it would help the CM community tremendously.

BTS has aasked us not so slam any of the *ahem* "nice people" that have slammed CM eek.gif so please refrain from doing so when voting/commenting on CM

here are the links that are in need:


The overall scores of CM have fallen to 4's @downloads as a result of a certain individuals repetitive posting (at least that is my suspicion as some look to similar in style)


version tracker still runs high smile.gif but if you havent posted please do smile.gif

thanks all



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Thanks y'all!

Mission accomplished!

Hmmm, I'm missing a coupla names there...

so, once again, as SS_P suggested: VOTE. REVIEW.


Combat Axiom #49. It could be worse. It could be me.

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SS_PL you sick-o-fantic swine. tho I am loathe to do anything even approaching the realm of nice, i have posted a review of CM at the download thingy, per your toadying request.

I say we stomp the guts out of the scum who for no good reason trash the game without even putting any thought into it. I suppose there is some comfort in the idea that perhaps "reviews" like that are ignored by anyone with a cranial capacity boyond that of a tick.

Really SS, Do you think anyone with a brain takes stock in an anonymous review with the subject heading "stupid" and a body with the (misspelled 'idiocic') word "idiotic"? I know you are a very sensitive and caring person, but I think perhaps you over estimate the damage such infant rantings will do. Can you dig it?

This game Rocks! damn near everyone who plays it and who has a clue about wargaming likes it if not loves it. the word is out and YES you should continue to cheerlead, but moronic prattle from boneheads like mr anonymous really can't hurt the game, BTS or anyone else, except the authors of course, when von shrad fires up the van and we put on the s**tkickers and drive to thier homes and beat some sense into them.

Authors who take the time to post thoughtful critcism or who for whatever reason simply don't like the game should be free to say so in a decorus way without worry about flames or stompings. Others who trash the game carelessly should beware the Peng. can you digit? I knew that you could.


ps just read the fine print and they sez it'll be posted in 2 to 4o business days. i really did post. really. honest. really.

pps. i just reread your original post and find myself guilty of not reading it right the first time, as per my ususal complaint regarding others who do not take the time to read to understand. floggings for my bad behavior will be accepted, and humbly.

ppps just how many smilies do you use a day?


Peng sez "die a lot now."

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You could try paying some visits to the forums at cdmag.com also. LOTS of wargamers drop in on the topics over there (under the "WAR" category), But there hasn't been a whole lot of discussion on the CM topic very recently.

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Mr. Pengs's reply brings tears to my eyes.

Isn't life wonderfull?

Note, no smilies. I've tryin' to cut down, thanks to you...


Combat Axiom #49. It could be worse. It could be me.

[This message has been edited by Juju (edited 05-21-2000).]

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Thank you for not using smilies. Are you familiar with the MSA-PD Mark V?

{Just a shameless plug for a thread I started called "New Weapon System for CM" being a connisewer of fine humor (re: your axioms thread), I think you might enjoy it.}

We now return you to this thread "Shameless Plugs for CM on Download Sites: Do It or SS_PL will Bleed on You" already in progress.



Peng sez "die a lot now."

[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 05-21-2000).]

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Messirs Peng (et. al.):

This is to inform you that any and all references to the MSA-PD MkV by you (or your representative) will cease and desist, poste haste. Said delivery system (and any precedents or antecedents thereof) are the immediate de-facto and intellectual properties of the Monsanto International Mega-Conglomerate Inc, GmbH, Ltd.

This is your final warning.

PS: You haven't seen a large white APC tooling around your neighborhood anywhere have you? We dispatched a crack team of blue-helmeted StassLawyerMenschenJaegers a few hours back and haven't heard from them since...

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Guest Bobb

Just looked up Tucows and here is their blurb:

"Combat Mission is a fantastic offering from Big Time Software. This game boasts true 3D. From, terrain, to LOS, to spotting, everything is in wonderfully rendered 3D. Watch your tanks creep across the WWII battlefield from thousands of feet up or take the camera in close and watch the Hun bodies fly as one of our boys toss a grenade into their foxhole. Interestingly enough this game states there will be no retail sales, only interent. I only had one or two complaints, the major one being a glitch in the graphics refreshing, but in sight of the fact that this is just a demo (and well-done one at that) I'll break from my instincts and slap five moo-cows on this little baby. Enjoy!"

I wonder what their complaint about the graphics is all about? Infact graphics and sound seem to be the main gripes across the board and I don't get it. Maybe some systems don't have the right stuff.

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Guest Pham

The graphics problems are just due to the nature of computers and all the various mix and match parts that you can install. Driver conflicts, poor drivers, etc, can all cause major problems which is in no way BTS's fault. Pretty cool that the reviewer at tucows mentioned the graphics problem he was having but didn't let it influence his opinion of the overall game. Too many people view graphics problems that are driver related as a fundemental flaw in a game, rather than a fundemantal flaw with the company that produced your video card(ATI is a good example of a company that releases many crappy driver versions).

BTW, this is why developers love console game systems. They are uniform, and you don't have to sweat how to get it to run perfectly under a 3dfx card and an Rage 128 card, etc, etc.

There was another review I read recently(a user review somewhere) that bitched about the game having fantastic graphics, but no gameplay value. I have no idea what the guy was smoking. If anything, the gameplay exceeds the graphics by a wide margin(not that the graphics are shabby, mind you).

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pham:

There was another review I read recently(a user review somewhere) that bitched about the game having fantastic graphics, but no gameplay value. I have no idea what the guy was smoking.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hehe, that was at www.download.com, if I am not mistaken. Probably an old-time wargamer who lacks a bit of mental flexibility and needed to be dragged kicking and screaming from table-top to the computer in the first place. God it is ugly when they go on No-more-Hexes Cold Turkey... Someone like that needs to be pitied, IMO. I think you have to try really really hard to not find the game in Combat Mission. He is probably hiding from it.

No smilies and crap in honour of Mr. Peng who makes me laugh and got the joke.



It is amazing what you can learn from a good book...

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