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I know squat about coding, but from what I heard the LOS calculations drain a huge amount of CPU power, especially when it's live things that change their position often. While it's possible to do for fixed things (woods, houses, etc.) it's next to impossible to check if tanks (or squads for that matter) possibly block LOS with current hardware capabilities. I'm not 100% sure if dead tanks block LOS or not, but live ones do not for sure.

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I know some about programming, but not much. What I suspect BTS is doing is generating a 3D map of the world to check LOS against every turn. Something like: there is a tank from [15,18,0] to [12,26,4] in [x,y,z] space. Then any LOS line that passes through this rectangualr prism is blocked. Unfortunately, to have live LOS blocks not only would you have to check agains the 3D map every frame, but you would have to regenerate it frame, which I think would be tough.

Just my thoughts... not necessarily the way they do it...

- Bill

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Hi guys;

These questions have been addressed by Steve.

I suggest you search for the thread "do vehicles constitute loss hindrance."


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