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Impression post from HPS Mailing List

Guest GriffinCheng

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Guest GriffinCheng

Okay, just got this one from the HPS Mailing list. It is not my opinion, but it may make you think:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>For those who haven't heard, Combat Mission Gold Demo is out at http://www.battlefront.com/products/worldwar/cm/index.html

I'd love to hear what you all think. Me, I'm not much more impressed than I

was with the beta demo (visual improvements are welcome of course). I'm not

particularly happy tanks don't have a hierarchy like infantry. If they mean

to simulate reinforced battalion-sized engagements, tank battalions will be

but a mass of independent vehicles. There are other things to pick at too,

like bazooka teams without small arms. I haven't researched Battlefront's

bulletin board so I don't know what's it going to look like in the end.



Griffin @ home

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I don't know about an AFV command structure, you'd have to deploy a platoon (or remanants thereof) of AFVs in each scenario.

It would be nice for the heavy-weapons teams/bazooka teams to have some sort of small firearms in addition to their main armament; pistols or carbines at the least. I guess we'll have to wait for a patch if it is really warranted (as I have no proof whatsoever of heavy-weapons TOE).

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There was considerable discussion at various points on this board about both tank hierarchy and small arms for teams- the end

result was nix to both. I tend to agree that this is the way to go. At the scale that CM will GENERALLY be used at, tanks would have been allotted in penny-packets as support, not in case-lots. Having teams with small arms would tempt people to use them as regular infantry once their main weapon (MG, bazooka, mortar, etc)ran dry. This would tend to both unbalance a scenario, and be a little gamey. Not to say it didn't happen in reality- there are examples of it having happened. I don't think it would fit within the parameters built into the game. You have specially trained soldiers to use special weapons- it would not be too good to have all your mortar/MG/bazooka guys run forwards and get chewed up. Who would man the weapons in the next round of the campaign/battle?

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Guest GriffinCheng

Agreed. I think it is a matter of scale. In ToP and PitS, The smallest AFV unit is usually, iirc, a platoon of 3 or 4 AFVs. OTOH, CM is modeleed at a company level with others as supporting unit. More like the scale of SP IMO, I see no reason why tank command hierarchy. Shall post a reply later tonite.

Griffin going to sleep...

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