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question for BTS re possible changes to QB generator for future.

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For the Unholy Four:

I know that currently my particular 'need' is amply filled by using the scenario generator instead of the QB generator. But I'm a lazy guy.

Would it be possible for you to provide 'closed category' options for the QB generator for CM2? Suppose I don't want to know all the details, but I want to try taking a scratch infantry force wth some bazookas and a roadblock and load the AI (or my opponent) up with Armor but no arty to simulate fast advances (or whatever). The ability to completely close off certain categories of purchase would interest me.

Thanks for reading,


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Guest Big Time Software

Hi Dale,

Well, we haven't thought about allowing the player to choose which categories to put what points into. This causes some concern in terms of balancing and realism. Some yahoo could opt to by a platoon of infantry and 20 batteries of artillery for example smile.gif

We have kicked around the idea of purchasing standard Orders of Battle. Say you want to purchase an infantry Battle Group, you make one click and get a realistic force to command. Dunno if this will make it into CM2 or not, but it is on our minds to do it at some point for sure.


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I'd like to be able to over buy in one category at a higher cost. It's really irritating when you can't get what you want because it costs 203 points instead of the 200 allowed, some times I feel I'd gladly pay double or triple (6 or 9 points) for those extra 3 points

Just a thought



Ooops! You had troops there?

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I'll put in a strong vote for including a "battlegroup" style quick battle option. I love the idea of quickly generating historically reasonable sides for a quick battle. It'd be quite nice to be able to, say, set up a battle between an attacking mechanized column and a blocking force of infantry with light support, or whatever.

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I strongly support the option for purchasing a standard oob for historical purposes. I hope it could be implemented where designers could modify them to fit certain battles or situations. Hope we also can opt for more scenario terrain and conditions and especially hope we could use predesigned maps. Thanks for the constant attention to your customers needs. Sam

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