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Public Service Announcement

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All right, you Canucks. Stop fondling that beaver and listen up, you slack and idle bags.

While you're out Christmas shoppin', sippin' a large Paradiso with cinnamon, and pickin' out that Gucci whatever for that girl that does whatever, there are nearly 3,000 of your countrymen in Bosnia tryin' to keep the world just a little better to live in for everyone.

They want -- THEY NEED -- to know you care. Drop by www.22minutes.com and send them a holiday greeting message. NOW.

Carry on....

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Royal Canadian Air Farce is useless except for the Chicken Cannon.

This Hour is much wittier. Gotta love "Talking to Americans".

But seriously folks, there are Canadian peacekeepers on the Golan Heights, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ethiopia, Zgon, and lord knows where else. As Rick Mercer himself says, "year after year, you probably send cards to people you don’t even like so why not spend 46 cents to make the Season jolly for someone who is working hard for PEACE ON EARTH."

Just visit the bulletin board and leave a note. They will be distributed to Peacekeeping camps worldwide.

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