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I have only been playing the demo a couple of days and maybe I'm just dense (the instructions are a little sparse) but I can't seem to make anybody end up in the same place at the same time, some seem to stand around with their thumb up their butt, while their comrades are obeying the command to move, then they finally move and the timer stops and their nowhere near each other. and I am not quite clear on the method for multiple commands. thanks in advance for any help you can give a newbie.

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Guest tom w

Well there is a "Fuzzy Logic" element involved here. The fog of war (FOW)and the general chaos on the battlefield lead to this "issue" you are describing. This is normal in this game.

You can band box units by clicking and dragging a box around all those units you want to order to go to the same place. This is the same as making a group selection. Even then they do not all move out at the same time.

but that's the way it should be. your enemy or opponent will be plagued with the same lack of responsiveness even if it is the AI. (I think)

-tom w

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tyro:

I have only been playing the demo a couple of days and maybe I'm just dense (the instructions are a little sparse) but I can't seem to make anybody end up in the same place at the same time, some seem to stand around with their thumb up their butt, while their comrades are obeying the command to move, then they finally move and the timer stops and their nowhere near each other. and I am not quite clear on the method for multiple commands. thanks in advance for any help you can give a newbie.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

G. S. Patton <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[This message has been edited by tom w (edited 05-18-2000).]

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I got a hunch what might be happening is that when you issue orders, all of your units may not be in the command & control radius of its HQ unit. This will normally cause a delay in their execution of orders.

Another factor is experience, the lower the experience level, the slower the unit responds to orders.

Morale of the unit is another issue that can have an effect.

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Hello Tyro,

Many factors are considered when units move. The level of experience (veteran, regular, etc...) has an influence on the response time to move. There are other factors, but this one comes to mind.

Here's a tip. Use the 'Pause' command to hold more experienced units back until the FNGs start moving.

Example... you have 2 squads, 1 is veteran, the other green. You give the green troops "move" and the timer says 20 seconds. Now you give the Vets "move" and their timer says 8 seconds. Now give the vets a "Pause" command (each "Pause" will delay a unit in 15 second increments, Hit "Pause" twice and you have a 30 second delay, Get it? smile.gif)

Now your vet unit will begin moving at 23 seconds while your FNGs at 20 seconds. It's a closer concentration than just letting the AI choose a default time.

Also, Tip #2-Use group move (do a search on the topic). It's a good way to move a large body of men in unison. Use it only to get them near the frontline. Once they are there, switch to individual unit commands.

Hope this helps. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions smile.gif


"I do like to see the arms and legs fly"

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The *Shift-p* hot key is a great tool.

Shift-p, once, shows 1) all movement paths.

Using Shift-p further yields:

2) all target lines

3) all target lines and movement paths

4) all off

I usually keep all movement paths visible.

It helps me plan out my platoon and HQ spacing/timing.

Also, for my experience with the demo, there is a, command execution lead time, for a squad, which seems to be a function of a number of factors, including the squads experience/battle shock/fatique/etc.

[ Just my quick interpetation]

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