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CM gets a "Must Have" in GoneGold

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*Speaking of Values, I have been asked by many readers to get a deal on Combat Mission, a New Release that is an on-line only purchase at $45. As many of you know, I live by the saying... "It can't hurt to ask. ". While I do not know anyone within the company, I can certainly ask if they would offer a discount to Gone Gold readers. The worst they'll say is "No.". No big deal. I wouldn't get your hopes up on this one. It's an incredible long shot. I suspect they would be quicker to work with a site that focuses on war games but perhaps they want to reach out to the novice war gamer. I know that if they work with Gone Gold on a sale, it won't be for awhile because I received an e-mail letting me know that they have already SOLD OUT of the first printing! I'm not sure how long it will take to burn the games and start shipping again. There are still some games that are released at this price level, so it's not unheard of. I do want you to know, while 45 bucks sounds a bit steep, the game is worth every penny. I'll be sure to let you know how I made out with them when I hear back. I haven't sent out the request yet(It may not hurt to ask, but it takes a bit to get the nerve up. ;D) but should later today or tomorrow. I won't be making a post if the answer is "No" so if you don't hear anything by next Monday, you can safely assume there won't be any Gone Gold specials on this game

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